


Flora picture of the Year 2010- Dr Satish Phadke: Smithsonia viridiflora (Dalzell) C.J.Saldanha 1974 Syn. Aerides dalzelliana Syn. Gastrochilus dalzelliana
Amboli flora is best in monsoons but in summer these epiphytic orchids are treat to your eyes.
This orchid has very small flowers 1.5 cm in clusters. These were observed hardly 1-2 feet from the rounds. Amboi is a hill station in Maharashtra in western ghats with rich biodiversity. 

– In the first pic, you have another orchid, what is that? Aerides?

– It might be Aerides as you say. I have earlier posted the pictures of Aerides crispum seen during the same visit………they were abundant. .. if you can plan a visit during end May I would like to accompany you. I have spotted it in Amboli as well as Amba ghat.

– Lets see, I would love to come to this place. People have been sharing so many orchid pics from this place. Dr. … was also mentioning about the area with high orchid diversity.




Luisia laurifolia var. evangelinae flowering:  Photographed at my farm at Shahapur yesterday. The last photograph was taken by my friend …

.., this is Aerides dalzelliana syn Gastrochilus dalzelliana. Luisia has terete leaves.

Thank you …… As seen from the personal communication sent to us by … …Luisia laurifolia var. evangalinae [as mentioned in Dr.Almeida’s “Flora of Maharashtra”] is a syn.of Aerides dalzelliana ; syn. Gastrochilus dalzelliana.
  Will however go with the new name Smithsonia viridiflora as suggested by …

Luisia laurifolia var. evangalinae is new comb. made by Dr. Almeida based on species of Blatter, its not a syn of Aerides dalzelliana, Gastrochilus dalzelliana or Smithsonia viridiflora
photo you posted is Gastrochilus dalzelliana [syn. Smithsonia viridiflora]



Smithsonia viridiflora (Dalzell) C.J.Saldanha 
at Anmod on 29 MAY 11

This is so cute:)


Smithsonia viridiflora

Amboli and Amba near Kolhapur 

Wonderful plant and fantastic image… 

Attachments (3). 7 posts by 6 authors.
Here is yet another Orchid from Anmod Ghat (Belgaum- Goa Route).
Bot. name: Smithsonia viridiflora
Syn: Aerides dalzelliana

Now called Pteroceras viridiflorus. Please check this link

Yes splendid beauty….

Yes it is.

… Could you share with us the season?

Thanks … I had photographed this in the month of May..





Pteroceros viridiflorus : Attachments (2). 6 posts by 3 authors. 

Dr. Almeida in his ‘Flora of Maharashtra’, Vol. 5 A writes ” this rare species is found in South Konkan. I have collected it from Sawantwadi. It is very often confused with Gastrochilus dalzellianus [Santapau] Santapau & Kapadia, which is very common in the Ghat area. This species is restrictively epiphytic on Citrus species “.
Sending a few photographs. They were taken in Amboli.

Thanks, …, I think the correct name will be Pteroceras viridiflorum (Thwaites) Holttum

Thanks … Pteroceras viridiflorus [Thwaites] Holltum to be precise. Have quoted from Dr. Almeida’s ‘Flora of Maharashtra’.

Is that a syn of Smithsonia viridiflora?

A reply:
“Recently when i browsed in efloraofindia website, i found that below orchid has been wrongly idenfied.
Smithsonia viridiflora is the correct identification of the orchid.  Pteroceras viridiflorum is different species.”

Most of the times Pteroceras species are wrongly identified. Pteroceras viridiflora is mostly endemic to Srilanka and not reported in any of Western ghats before (with pictures).
I have added the other sources from the different web pages to confirm the identity of the picture you sent.

Yes this is Smithsonia viridiflora. There was an issue caused by Jayweera, merged them together by mistake.

Yes, He merged it in 1981 with out seeing the proper specimen I guess. Till now no Pteroceros reported in South India.  

No this is not true. Pteroceras leopardinum is reported and from Maharastra I think, Pteroceras indicum was published. Pteroceras teres from as south as Nicobar 🙂 

Thanks for correcting … May be I am half baked hobbiyist always depending on internet information’s. 

Along with records of P. leopardinum, there are records of P. monsooniae as well [ https://www.jstor.org/stable/41968127?seq=1#page_scan_tab_contents ]
Pteroceras indicum is recorded from Karnataka. Is it recorded in Maharashtra as well? 

That’s interesting. I was not aware of monsooniae. Do you have any pics? Can you compare it with Pteroceras leopardinum?
I feel this sketch is a bit exaggerated.
But may be distinct. 
Attachments (1)- Pteroceras monsooniae.pdf- 1 MB.

Unfortunately No. I am yet to see this plant myself.

… photographed P.Indicum in Anamalais, Tamil Nadu. I guess its wild spread in Western ghats.

There are some pics on google search, which looks close to P. leopardinum 😛

But who knows if they are correct images or not !!


Recently when i browsed in efloraofindia website, i found that below orchid has been wrongly identified.
Smithsonia viridiflora is the correct identification of the orchid.  Pteroceras viridiflorum is different species.  

Yes this is Smithsonia viridiflora. There was an issue caused by Jayweera, merged them together by mistake.

Thanks for pointing out. 




Smithsonia viridiflora : 6 posts by 6 authors. Attachments (6)- around 400 kb each. 

Here are few pics of Smithsonia viridiflora.
Family: Orchidaceae
Location: Dapsare Village near Panshet, Maharashtra

