Gardenia resinifera Roth, Nov. Pl. Sp. 150 1821. (Syn: Gardenia lucida Roxb.; Genipa resinifera (Roth) Baill.); . India to Myanmar as per WCSP; . Bangladesh; India; Myanmar as per Catalogue of Life; . gar-DEEN-ee-uh — named for Alexander Garden, American botanist res-in-EE-fer-uh — bearing resin loo-sid-uh — bright, clear, lustrous . commonly known as: brilliant gardenia, cambi resin tree, white emetic nut • Gujarati: દિકામારી dikamari • Hindi: देकामाली dekamali • Kannada: ಬಿಕ್ಕಿ ಗಿಡ bikki gida, ಡಿಕ್ಕಾಮಾಲ್ಲಿ dikkaamaalli • Konkani: डिकमाली dikmali • Malayalam: കബിമരം kabimaram • Marathi: डिकामाली dikamali, डिकेमाली dikemali • Sanskrit: नाडिहिङ्गु nadihingu • Tamil: கம்பளிப்பிசின் kampali-p-picin, கும்பை kumpai, கும்பிலி kumpili, திக்காமல்லி tikkamalli • Telugu: కొండ మంగ konda manga . Native to: India .
Gardenia gumiflora It looks to me like G. resinifera which is fruiting now. G. gummmifera is supposed to be flowering from Jan to April. It is a smaller plant, leaves have 12-18 pairs of nerves. G. resinifera has 20 – 25 pairs. Also the fruit of G. gummifera is said to have longitudinal lines and a stout beak. (Fl of Maharashtra, Almeida) The local name is same for both the species.
gar-DEEN-ee-uh — named for Alexander Garden, American botanist res-in-EE-fer-uh — bearing resin loo-sid-uh — bright, clear, lustrous Jun 18, 2011 … at Tungareshwar Wildlife Sanctuary, Maharashtra commonly known as: brilliant gardenia, cambi resin tree, white emetic nut • Gujarati: દિકામારી dikamari • Hindi: देकामाली dekamali • Kannada: ಬಿಕ್ಕಿ ಗಿಡ bikki gida, ಡಿಕ್ಕಾಮಾಲ್ಲಿ dikkaamaalli • Konkani: डिकमाली dikmali • Malayalam: കബിമരം kabimaram • Marathi: डिकामाली dikamali, डिकेमाली dikemali • Sanskrit: नाडिहिङ्गु nadihingu • Tamil: கம்பளிப்பிசின் kampali-p-picin, கும்பை kumpai, கும்பிலி kumpili, திக்காமல்லி tikkamalli • Telugu: కొండ మంగ konda manga Native to: India References: Flowers of India • Forest Flora of Andhra Pradesh • Flowers of Sahyadri by Shrikant Ingalhalikar more views: Jun 18, 2011 … at Tungareshwar Wildlife Sanctuary, Maharashtra Jul 12, 2009 … at Veermata Jeejabai Bhosale Udyan, Mumbai Rubiaceae Week :: Gardenia gummifera – Cambi Gum Tree: Very nice pictures and useful information, … The name board in Lalbagh has this name. I am also of the same opinion as … Some name boards in Lalbagh are not correct / updated. After googling looks like G. resinifera. I will take some more snaps, when it flowers Trees of Lalbagh, Bangalore – Gardenia gummifera – Cambi Gum Tree: Gardenia is a genus of about 250 species of flowering plants. They are evergreen shrubs and small trees growing to 1-15 m tall. The leaves are opposite or in whorls of three or four, 5-50 cm long and 3-25 cm broad, dark green and glossy with a leathery texture. The flowers are solitary or in small clusters, white or pale yellow, with a tubular-based corolla with 5-12 lobes (‘petals’) from 5-12 cm diameter. Ref. Gardenia – Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Another good one. Gardenia resinifera Roth as per another thread: Rubiaceae Week :: Gardenia gummifera – Cambi Gum Tree Rubiaceae Week : Gardenia resinifera Mumbai:
Beautiful flowers of G. resinifera. Sharing few photographs of Gardenia resinifera. Location: CBD Belapur Hills, Navi Mumbai (Altitude: approx: 400ft) Family: Rubiaceae Habitat: wild Plant Habit: Tree.
Gardenia resinifera at CBD Hills : Attachments (3). 4 posts by 3 authors. Sharing few photographs of Gardenia resinifera. Location: CBD Belapur Hills, Navi Mumbai (Altitude: approx: 400ft) Family: Rubiaceae Habitat: wild Plant Habit: Tree. Excellent presentation … Gardenia For ID : Lalbagh,Bangalore : 100814 : AK-3 : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2). I cannot decide between Gardenia gummifera and Gardenia resinifera. A tree around 15 feet tall. Experts kindly help. Could this be Gardenia resinifera? Yes it is Gardenia resinifera Jijamata Udyan, Aug 2014 :: Requesting ID of this plant :: ARKSEP-08 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1). Requesting to please ID this plant captured at Jijamata Udyan in Aug 2014. Is it some Gardenia species? Gardenia resinifera? SS_23_May_2017_Request_For_ID : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2) Please find attached the photos of a small Tree. Gardenia resinifera Roth [Rubiaceae]. for id. request. 141112: Pl. find the attached file contain photo for id. request. i think this is gardenia Gardenia species. Appears close to images at Gardenia resinifera Roth . Gardenia resinifera: Gardenia resinifera (Mar. डिकेमाली ) – I think this plant is native to Bengal and surrounding parts of India and Bangladesh – i remember the word डिकेमाली I don’t remember exactly what dikemali is. plz. explain. it is some sort of medicine for children? . Gardenia resinifera: 1 high res. images. . Gardenia resinifera: 1 image. Found these unripened fruits eaten by birds under a small tree in hillock near Poottu thakku near Vellore TN in the month of July. . Gardenia Rensifera for id confirmation: 3 images- 2 high res. Met this small tree at Karnala Forest, Raigadh. I guess it is Gardenia rensifera. Kindly confirm. Habit-Wild Type of Tree- Small, 15 Feet Location-Karnala forest area, Raigadh, Navi Mumbai Yes, appears close to images at Gardenia resinifera Roth . I’d of a tree: 2 high res. images. Tamilnadia uliginosa(Retz.) Tirveng. & Sastre ??? For me it is like one of the Gardenias Any other photos …, Seems Gardenia only. Yes, …, I am posting some more photographs. Yes, It’s Gardenia sp. Yes, appears close to images at Gardenia resinifera Roth . From Sh. Sonu Kumar Ji: 2 high res. images. Habitat: Urban garden Habit: Small tree Location: kota Rajasthan Date: 16072024 Gardenia resinifera! . References: |
Gardenia resinifera
Updated on December 24, 2024