
Hetaeria for ID……………….: Here is Hetaeria species  Very near to H. oblongifolia
Date: 27th Dec. 2010
From Mysore, Karnataka.
I am attaching some images with its illustration.
Deeply need some expert comment. 

– This does look to me like Hetaeria oblongifolia. The full citation on IPNI says t.14, unfortunately, there is no plate in the whole edition.
    I sent it to a friend who is expert in this group, .. for his comments and was waiting for his reply which I got today. He agrees with the id.

Article from Richardiana:

I am glad to inform you, my paper got published in Richardiana entitled “On the Occurrence of Hetaeria oblongifolia Blume in Western Ghats of India”. This species was shared earlier on eflora for identification and … and … posted needful comments on its identity, so by default credit goes to eflora India. 

Thanks, … Pl. keep up the good work.
Here is the Efloraofindia link:

For the kind information of all members, you will find one article of mine in the same journal, just below his on serial :).  Enjoy. I think I have already shared that article on Eulophia flava.

…, you may ask …, he will send you the pdf of your article which you can share here. He will also send you the hardcopy of the journal free.


ORCHIDACEAE Fortnight: Hetaeria oblongifolia : Attachments (1). 8 posts by 7 authors.

Hetaeria oblongifolia (Lindl.) Woodson

On the way  Kodagu to Thalkauvery, Coorg, Karnataka. 
Dec. 2010

One more I forgot again …..

Very nice presentation … Thank you very much for sharing your collection.

I am really happy to be a member of this group. Getting to see so much of flora of India.

Yes Hetaeria oblongifolia.
