Common name: Toad rush 
Small pale coloured tufted herb; stems slender, branching from base; leaves linear-setaceous, lower several, 1-5 cm long, upper much smaller with hyaline margin, with sheathing base; inflorescence a subsimple raceme to much branched panicle with distant flowers; flowers nearly sessile, single or 2-3 at each node, greenish to straw coloured; perianth pale green with hyaline margin; stamens 6; capsule oblong, yellow to brownish; seeds
reddish-brown, ovoid to rounded.





Juncus bufonius from Ek Tal Lake, Morni, Haryana: Juncus bufonius L., Sp. pl. 1:328. 1753 

Small pale coloured tufted herb; stems slender, branching from base; leaves linear-setaceous, lower several, 1-5 cm long, upper much smaller with hyaline margin, with sheathing base; inflorescence a subsimple raceme to much branched panicle with distant flowers; flowers nearly sessile, single or 2-3 at each node, greenish to straw coloured; perianth pale green with hyaline margin; stamens 6; capsule oblong, yellow to brownish; seeds reddish-brown, ovoid to rounded.
Photographed from the banks of Tikkar tal lake, Morni Haryana on April 10, 2011. 
Common name: Toad rus



I am closing my uploads for this week with the last validation request for this plant, shot from Morni Hills, Tikkar Taal.. is this Juncus bufonius??
Hope to come back for similar episode in future with some better pics and unique finds..

It does look like the plant in … post –!topic/indiantreepix/EW9jKTmmYLM.

And –
Fl Br Ind informs it is the only annual Juncus, distributed in Northern India. The plant is slender much dichotomously branched from the base upwards, cymes numerous…… 

Thanks for concluding the id ..



ID Kashmir : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2)

Please validate Id as Juncus bufonius.
Baramulla, Kashmir
1600 m

I think you are right …

