Images by Vijayasankar Raman



Flora of Mississippi, USA-005: Tulips are one of the most common ornamental flowers here. They flower during Feb-March…and no words to explain their beauty (sorry for the poor pics here, will try for better next time…).
FNA (Flora of N.America) includes only Tulipa sylvestris, so I guess these belong to this, too. 

Yes sir, these are very beautiful flowers. Mostly used for landscaping. I hope Tulips are also found in temperate Himalayas, are they? Could you please tell the Tulip species I have attached with? Taken at Cambridge University first week of this month. 

As per Britannica and Columbia Encyclopedias, there are almost 4000 cultivars of about 100 species of the genus Tulipa are existing in cultivation. 
 And most of the cultivated Tulips are from Tulipa gesneriana, it seems. Shockingly, the streaks of various colours are caused due to infection of a harmless virus! Anyway they add more beauty to the beautiful flowers.
