by Nalini (Inserted by J.M.Garg)



Giersch from my garden in Ritterhude 25.5.2011: Giersch (/Aegopodium podagraria/) is a weed and in fact a headache for gardners, for me too. It spreads all over the garden by underground rhizomes. I keep on digging it out but even a very small piece of the rhizome is enough for it to grow. The flowers look very decorative and a good treat to eyes when walking thru woods. I exchange plants with my friends and it is a good opportunity for giersch to travel from garden to garden.
    I don’t know if it grows in northern parts of india.

    Giersch is traditional medicine against Gout and Rheuma. The leaves before flowering are also very good as vegetable and salad. Young leaves are tasty. At present because of the dangerous EHEK coli infection in north of germany and surrounding countries we are advised not to eat raw salad, cucumber, tomatos etc. from the market. So at present we have everyday Giersch salad, not all that nice, if you eat it every day. But my tomato plants are still small, having just flowers, and till they grow tomatos, it will take many weeks.
    Gierschsoup along with Sauerampfer is equally tasty. Sending Sauerampfer-fotos in a saperate mail.