Perovskia abrotanoides Kar., Bull. Soc. Imp. Naturalistes Moscou 14: 15 1841.;
1a. Leaves deeply incised or pinnatisect; calyx softly woolly.    1. P. abrotanoides
1b. Leaves crenate serrate, rarely shortly incised; calyx hispid.   2. P. atriplicifolia

Wild flower for id, mm3 10 06 2011:
These photographs were taken in july 2008 during a trip to ladakh.
This particular flower is from an area just across Khardungla on the road to Nubra valley.
Many blue and purple flowers seem to grow in the mountains

There is no close up available for the photo but it is definetely Perovskia family Lamiaceae highly aromatic. the difference between the two species found are:
1a. Leaves deeply incised or pinnatisect; calyx softly woolly.    1. P. abrotanoides
1b. Leaves crenate serrate, rarely shortly incised; calyx hispid.   2. P. atriplicifolia

Leaves do suggest P. abrotanoides


Perovskia abrotanoides:
Seen this plant at “Sasuma” (Sasuma is the last village before Siachen Glacier base camp), Ladakh
Date/Time: 19-09-2011 / 02:45PM
Family: Lamiaceae
Bot. name: Perovskia abrotanoides

Yes … Rather common in the area.

and highly aromatic too

is this lavender Bush : Attachments (2). 3 posts by 3 authors.

We saw this bush at about 12000 ft in Laddakh on way to Nubra valley from Leh.
Can it be a Lavender bush?
Help in ID this plant is most appreciated.

I think this is Russian Sage (Perovskia abrotanoides)



Perovskia abrotanoides — at Nubra Valley– Ladakh- July-PKA-30 : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2)
Perovskia abrotanoides – (Family: Lamiaceae)– at Nubra Valley– Ladakh.. 

These days I am seeing a lot of images of this species. Very common in Europe and America.

Perovskia abrotanoides Karelin : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3)
Sharing some pictures of Perovskia abrotanoides Karelin shot at Nubra Valley on 21 August 2016.

Dickore & Klimes only list P.abrotanoides from Ladakh. However, Stewart listed this plus P.atriplicifolia, commenting that the genus was very common in dry desert conditions and the leaves are most variable even in a single patch.  Hooker suggested that only one variable taxon may be involved.  P.abrotanoides has bipinnatisect leaves Whilst P.atriplicifolia has simple leaves with crenate, serrate or subentire leaves. The calyx of P.abrotanoides is covered with long cottony wool.
The Plant List accept both names. There are pressed at Kew from Afghanistan which fit with Stewart’s description. He lists collections from Kargil & Hemis, giving an altitudinal upper limit of 3000m. He described P.abrotanoides as common in Ladakh to 3900m.
My thinking is that the images are of P.abrotanoides but one should look out, particularly at lower elevations in Ladakh (and Pakistan) for P.atriplicifolia.

I have three herbarium collections of P. abrotanoides from Kargil (2900 m), Drass (3100 m) and Khalsi (3000 m) all collected in 1971, match well with above.

Nepeta sp ? Nubra valley : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (4)
Nepeta sp? Common bushy herb with blue flowers and pinnatisect leaves from Nubra valley and on the way to Kardungla

perovskia abrotanoides


Perovskia atriplicifolia from California-GS29042022-7: 8 very high res. images.
perovskia atriplicifolia photographed from Yosemite, California, 2-10-2010

I think it should be Perovskia abrotanoides, as per images herein.


Ladakh, August 2022 :: Perovskia abrotanoides for validation :: ARK2022-153: 3 high res. images.
This was at Nubra, some kms away from Hundar,  Ladakh in August 2022.
I think it is Perovskia abrotanoides. Requested to please validate
Please excuse for the pic quality, it was too windy to get a decent pic.

Yes, it appears close to images at Perovskia abrotanoides Kar.

