Phlomis cashmeriana Royle ex Benth. , Hooker’s J. Bot. Kew Gard. Misc. 3: 382 1833. (Syn: Phlomis dichroa Rech.f.); 
Phlomis cashmeriana Royle ex Hooker’s J. Bot. Kew Gard. Misc. 3: 382 1833. syn: Phlomis dichroa Rech.f. 
Erect perennial herb Closer to P. bracteosa and P. spectabilis but distinct in its oblong-lanceolate up to 30 cm long leaves with cordate base, densely white woolly beneath; flowers large, pale purple to pink in dense whorls, calyx with long spine-tipped lobes, white woolly; corolla 2.5-3 cm long, upper lip large, hooded, lowers lip darker; bracts awl-shaped.
Photographed from Upper Munda near Jawahar Tunnel in Kashmir on June 20, 2011


Phlomis cashmeriana, distinct from other species in its large oblong narrow leaves, rounded stems clothed with wool, pale purple flowers with galea without fringe.
Photographed from Upper Munda, below Jawahar Tunnel in Kashmir 

Phlomis cashmeriana, distinct from other species in its large oblong narrow leaves, rounded stems clothed with wool, pale purple flowers with galea without fringe.
Photographed from Upper Munda, below Jawahar Tunnel in Kashmir
