Symphorema polyandrum Wight, Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. t. 363 1840.;

¿ sim-for-EE-muh ? — Greek: symphoreo (borne together); alludes to clusters of flowers borne with bracts
¿ pol-ee-AND-rum ? — with many stamens

commonly known as: south Indian star-vervain climberGujarati: મહાસિંધુ mahasindhuMarathi: दुर्मिळ भिंगरी durmil bhingariOdia: ମହାସିନ୍ଧୁ mahasindhuSanskrit: सिन्धुवार sindhuvara

Endemic to: peninsular India

Good medicinal plants with analgesic and antiinflammatory activities; 

Symphorema polyandrum Wight … also placed in Verbenaceae
at Sutagatti on April 22, 2011 

Thanks … for nice pics, this is again a new to me..



¿ sim-foh-REE-muh ? — from the Greek *symphoreo* (accumulate, unite) 
pol-ee-AN-drum — from the Greek *poly* (many) and *andros* (male, or  stamens)
Apr 22, 2011 at Suttagati, Karnataka
commonly known as: south Indian symphorema • *Oriya*: mahasindu
Endemic to: south India 
   – [image: Symphorema polyandrum]<>
    … Apr 22, 2011 at Suttagati, Karnataka
   – [image: Symphorema polyandrum]<>
    … Apr 22, 2011 at Suttagati, Karnataka 



id confirmation :  3 images. 5 posts by 5 authors.

Symforima poliandrum -seen in Vidarbha, near Nagzira.
Pl confirm.

Thank you very much for this rare species uploads. This medicinal plant belongs to the family Verbenaceae is a good medicinal plants with analgesic and antiinflammatory activities.

I think this is Symphorema polyandrum of Verbenaceae is not very common in Odisha and as said by … is a very important medicinal plant.




at Kanakeshwar hill Maharashtra on 6 Mar.2009; Bhingari – indiantreepix | Google Groups



Climber from Chhattisgarh – efloraofindia | Google Groups : 8 posts by 6 authors. Attachments (1)

Yesterday I was in forest. Please help in identification of this climber.

thanks for identification. Our Healers classify it in many types based on medicinal properties.

Symphorema involucratum indeed!! Kindly check the description and illustration From Flora of China

I think it should be Symphorema polyandrum Wight as per images herein.

Yes, It looks like Symphorema polyandrum 


Climber for ID. 21 Aug 09 SNP : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (5)

I found this climber in a Scrub forest in Bhandara District in March.
first i felt it is some member of Combretaceae or Lythraceae but not
getting any clue further.
please help in I.D.

Nice photos, …!
It looks like Symphorema polyandrum (Symphoremataceae, previously from Verbenaceae).
I have seen the other species S. involucratum a few times, but never got to see this one (Ref Flora of Bombay Presidency).



via Species‎ > ‎S‎ > Symphorema polyandrum Wight … family: Lamiaceae
Flowers of India Discussions at efloraofindia more views in flickr more views on Google Earth 
¿ sim-for-EE-muh ? — Greek: symphoreo (borne together); alludes to clusters of flowers borne with bracts
¿ pol-ee-AND-rum ? — with many stamens
commonly known as: south Indian star-vervain climberGujarati: મહાસિંધુ mahasindhuMarathi: दुर्मिळ भिंगरी durmil bhingariOdia: ମହାସିନ୍ଧୁ mahasindhuSanskrit: सिन्धुवार sindhuvara
botanical names: Symphorema polyandrum Wight … synonyms: no synonym known … The Plants List (2013). Version 1.1. 
April 22, 2011 … Sutagatti, Belgaum 

