Epithema carnosum Benth., Scroph. Ind. 57 1835. (Syn: Aikinia carnosa G.Don);


Requesting identification of a plant 4 seen at Iruppu, Kodagu, Karnataka:
Small blue flowered plants besides a stream was found. Few photos have been attached here for identification. Requesting id.
These are from Iruppur, Kodagu, Karnataka taken on 30.07.2011 

Epithema carnosum of Gesneriaceae family. Active only in the monsoon.
Nice pictures, except fruits all are depicted in details. Thanks for sharing this plant and I never seen this   Western Ghat endemic and rare plant (Sasidharan, 2007).



Epithema carnosum:
Sharing Epithema carnosum from Sindhudurg MH

yeah it is very beauutiful tiny herb..i love it too 🙂


Epithema carnosum–Amboli, Maharashtra:: NS August 2022 (13): 4 images- 1 high res.
This beautiful herb was shot from Amboli region in Maharashtra…
My thanks to … for identifying it as Epithema carnosum..


