Erythrina species


Muzki leaves – food for rabbits: Evening, Tribal people (Malasar) carry Muzki leaves to feed rabbits back in their Pathis (hamlet).
(Muzki -a difficult malayalam word to pronounce, Do they mean Muzki,Muzhki, Mulki…)

Forest Checkpost, Chimmony WLS, Thrissur, Kerala
9 Oct 2011 5:30PM

These are leaves of Erythrina sp.

In malayalam it is called Murikku. May be Muzki is a name used by tribal people.
Yes it is a common food for rabbit.

Yes, Chimmony tribesman spoke the right word ’Murikku’. I made a mistake by not committing it to memory and recalling the wrong word. Thank you, Sir

Murikku in Malayalam translates to Indian coral treeErythrina stricta var. suberosa. Leaf shapes do match.

Cicada on Erythrina : Thanks to Pankaj Oudhia from Hooghly: I shot these pictures in July, 2009, and frogot completely about it.

Many many thanks to … for his comment in another eflora post – which gave me the ID of these water spewing insect – Cicada. I take this opportunity to upload some more images in this post.
I think the host tree is Indian Coral Tree. I don’t have any flower pic of this tree. “Cuttings” of this tree is used here, sometimes, to build natural fence around ones property/land. Every year those cuttings are pruned when they attain a height of about 10 feet or more. That’s why i have never seen any flower on them.
I was drawn to these trees because i noticed the peculiar water shedding phenomenon that have been discussed in the … post.
Species : 1) Erythrina sp. 2) Cicada insect 3) Polistes olivaceus wasp
Habit & Habitat : cuttings from tree, roadside fencing
Date : 09-07-2009 & 12-07-2009
Place : Nalikul (Hooghly), WB

Sorry for coming in late. Was at Phansad WLS over the weekend with … These are not Cicadas but Spittle Bugs / Froghoppers. The ‘spittle’ or ‘cuckoo spit’ is a frothy mass in which the froghopper larvae live cocooned from predators and the elements [including the dessicating effect of the sun] while feeding on plant juices.

… is right. Here is my picture of Spittle bug on Tephrosia.
In my region cattle avoid to feed on foliage having spittle bug. If they consume it accidentally they stop eating anything up to 2 and half days. Thats why this disease is known as Adhai rog locally.
Forwarding one more video of cicada for better identification.

Thank you … for the ID. A wiki search tells me that these spittle bugs are related to cicada at infra order level !

Erythrina for ID : 050611 : AK-2: Taken at Maharashtra Nature Park, Mumbai, Maharashtra on the 11th of
April, 2008.
A medium tree.

this looks Erythrina indica to me.

Erythrina sp. of Leguminosae family

I was lucky to capture flowers on the same tree yesterday.
Attaching the pictures.
To me it looks very close to Erythrina variegata
Attachments (6)

ID Please: A thorny tree species. Please help me id this. Got it from a nursery in Bangalore who collects from Kerala and N India.

This is Erythrina species, not sure about species but it could be Erythrina herbacea??

Thanks for the info, …. Adding more description that I got from the local nursery owner who sold me this, which might hopefully help us ID this tree to the species. As per him, it is going to grow tall and have a very thick trunk. I thought this looked similar to a tree that I had seen in another exotic nursery (similarly thorny and had yellow flowers) where it was being sold at a very high price, and was told that it was a tree that grows in N India.


erythrina indica: 9 posts by 8 authors. Attachments (2)
erythrina indica tree and a detail of the bark. it is growing near the village of zirad, alibaug 

I imagine, this doesnt look like Erythrina to me.

I also think this is not erythrina indica as the leaf shape is not matching with that of erythrina indica.

Certainly not E.indica. Probably while uploading the photographs this could have happened. You may send the correct photographs.
Nevertheless, the photograph of the bark is very nice, despite being some other species.

it is an erythrina tree without leaf, the foliage seen around it belongs to other neighbouring trees. i will try and dig out a photograph of the foliage taken a couple of months ago and send it larer

i agree it is not erythrina even branching is not matching

I think … is correct. If you look at the leafless trunk and branches in the first picture, the grayish greenish vertical lines,colour of the bark and some prickles on the bark  is indicative of Erythrina sp.  

The not so smooth surface of the stem and branches creates a doubt in my mind otherwise, I would think it is Venteak or Lagerstroemia
. The leaves certainly does not look like Erithrina Indica.
If we had pictures of the seeds, we could be able to make up our mind.


Updated on December 24, 2024

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