Sibbaldia purpurea
Sibbaldia purpurea Royle, Ill. Bot. Himal. Mts. 1: 208, pl. 40, f. 3 208 1835. (Syn: Potentilla purpurea (Royle) Hook. f.);
Location Chamba
Altitude 4000 mts Habit herb Habitat wild I also aplogise for the not so good quality in a lot of pics.. and the reason being was that I was practically dragging my scooter alone all the way on a very rough road up to the pass in the middle of nowhere… an adventure I’ll not forget…
and these were taken in between whenever I stopped to take breath… :)) Sibbaldia purpurea Royle Sibbaldia purpurea Royle Ill. Bot. Himal. Mts. 1: 208, pl. 40, f. 3 208 1835. Family: ROSACEAE
Current Location: Rohtang Pass, Himachal.
Rosaceae week : Sibbaldia purpurea at Rohtang Pass:
Rosaceae Fortnight :: Sibbaldia purpurea :: Hemkund Sahib :: DVSEP23 : 7 posts by 4 authors. 3 images. Sibbaldia purpurea Royle
Nice! id is correct. Thanks …, we missed this beauty.. Very beautiful rainfed pictures…!! Thank you very much, … I hope you make it to this paradise very soon. The place haunts me. Beautiful pics. Flowers are tiny so a lot of effort is required to present so much details. And at the altitude of Hemkund (4500m) even a step is difficult. Thanks for sharing this species. It is not common in Uttarakhand alpines. . VoF Week :: DV :: 03 AUG 12 – 1257 :: Sibbaldia ¿ purpurea ? along Hemakund – Ghangaria trail: 3 Habitat: on rock, mountain slope
Habit: ground-cover herb, about 10 cm high; flower about 8 – 10 mm across (not sure) … tentative ID provided by … I think yes Yes sibbaldia purpurea, but beautiful shot. . References: