Hura crepitans



Flowering Tree for ID from Chennai -20Aug2011AR01: This is a first-time tree sighting.

Pls help in identification.
Date/Time-17 Aug 2011 11:57AM
Location- Place, Altitude, GPS- Chennai
Habitat- Garden/ Urban/ Wild/ Type-Urban
Plant Habit- Tree/ Shrub/ Climber/ Herb-Tree
Height/Length-approx – 35 feet
Leaves Type/ Shape/ Size- Shape –Elliptic, Alternate, 11cms
Inflorescence Type/ Size-
Flowers Size/ Colour/ Calyx/ Bracts-6-7cms, Red,
Fruits Type/ Shape/ Size Seeds-
Other Information like Fragrance, Pollinator, Uses etc.- Bark has thorn

Heart shaped leaf base, sharp spines on the trunk, red flower without petals, slightly elongated leaf tip draw this tree closer to Hura crepitans from Euphorbiaceae family (Monkey no-climb or Sandbox tree or Dynamite tree.)


If it really this rare tree… how did it get to India? on the ocean waves… so the seeds survive the salinity for a year or  two???

Hura crepitans.  Kattu arasu maram in Tamil. The leaves are like peepal tree. One can sight this tree near the Aavin Parlour, Adyar road. (opposite the entrance). There is another big tree on the main road that takes to Old Mashabalipuram road,  in Adyar area, that leads to M.S.Swaminathan Research Foundation, at the corner.   There are also a few trees in Theosophical society campus.


Trees Of Lalbagh, Bangalore – Hura crepitans – Sandbox Tree: Native to tropical America, Sandbox tree is a tree that can grow to 100 ft.
An identifying feature is the many dark, pointed spines on the trunk, and the smooth brown bark. These spines have caused it to be called Monkey no-climb.
The large ovate leaves grow to two feet wide. Generally, the are ovate to circular, 12-25 long, 7-15 cm wide, witha heart-shaped base, and a narrow tip. Margin has glandular teeth.
Male and female flowers are separate, red in color, and have no petals. Male flowers grow on long spikes, female flowers are solitary in axils.
The fruit is a large capsule with explosive dehiscence. When ripe, pods catapult the seeds as far as 100 meters.
It has also been known as the Dynamite tree, so named for the explosive sound of the ripe fruit as it splits into segments.
Fishermen have been said to use the milky, caustic sap from this tree to poison fish. The wood is used for furniture under the name “hura”.

bright fruit , I had almost never seen them in this color


Hura crepitans from Pune: Hura crepitans or Sand Box tree, Euphorbiaceae, photographed at ARI, Pune.
Dated- 22.04.12
Tree height- 12- 14 mtrs
Leaves- Simple,Oval / heart shaped .
Fruit- pumpkin-shaped capsule.
Trunk has hard spines on it.

Native to tropical America, Sandbox tree is a tree that can grow to 100 ft.
An identifying feature is the many dark, pointed spines on the trunk, and the smooth brown bark. These spines have caused it to be called Monkey no-climb.
The large ovate leaves grow to two feet wide. Generally, the are ovate to circular, 12-25 long, 7-15 cm wide, with a heart-shaped base, and a narrow tip. Margin has glandular teeth.
Male and female flowers are separate, red in color, and have no petals. Male flowers grow on long spikes, female flowers are solitary in axils.
The fruit is a large capsule with explosive dehiscence. When ripe, pods catapult the seeds as far as 100 meters. It has also been known as the Dynamite tree, so named for the explosive sound of the ripe fruit as it splits into segments. Fishermen have been said to use the milky, caustic sap from this tree to poison fish. The wood is used for furniture under the name “jura”

Good photos.


Location : Adyar, Chennai

Date: March 2013.
habitat: Garden
Habit: Tree

It is Hura crepitans.

Swamy/New series/ID/33 – ID of the tree Hura crepitans: 5 images.
I am attaching herewith the photos of the tree photographed a decade back in Chennai. For me the ID is Hura crepitans. Please confirm or suggest new ID


Updated on December 24, 2024