
Upper Chamba id al171011:  Location Upper Chamba
Altitude 3500 mts
Habit herb
Habitat wild
Plant height 18 inches



Caryophyllaceae Week: Cerastium dahuricum from Apharwat, Kashmi:  Cerastium dahuricum Fisch. in Sprengel, Pungill. Pl. Minus Cogn. 2:65. 1815 This species may be confused with Myosoton aquaticum in general appearance and leaves but is quite distinct in longer calyx (8-10 mm as against 4-5 mm), shortly bilobed petals, and capsule opening by short teeth and amplexicaule leaves. Perennial herb with weak stems, scarcely branched leaves up to 7 cm long and up to 3 cm broad, ovate-lanceolate, base amplexicaule; pedicels much longer than calyx; sepals 8-10 mm; capsule twice as long as calyx with 10 revolute teeth at tip. Photographed from Apharwat Kashmir in July, 3200 m alt., growing among low shrubs.


Cerastium dahuricum from Apharwat, Kashmir: Cerastium dahuricum Fisch. in Sprengel, Pungill. Pl. Minus Cogn. 2:65. 1815

This species may be confused with Myosoton aquaticum in general appearance and leaves but is quite distinct in longer calyx (8-10 mm as against 4-5 mm), shortly bilobed petals, and capsule opening by short teeth and
amplexicaule leaves. Perennial herb with weak stems, scarcely branched leaves up to 7 cm long and up to 3 cm broad, ovate-lanceolate, base amplexicaule; pedicels much longer than calyx; sepals 8-10 mm; capsule twice
as long as calyx with 10 revolute teeth at tip.
Photographed from Apharwat Kashmir in July, 3200 m alt., growing among low shrubs.



ID Request?? at Guntarao – GHNP-PKA4 : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (8).

Seen this herb at Guntarao at “Great Himalayan National Park” (GHNP) at altitude of approx. 3500m.
Date/Time: 27-09-2014 / 12:50PM

Cerastium davuricum (Caryophyllaceae) I believe.

Thanks a lot … ID seems to be OK.. Thanks again..


Request for species id
3 images.

Please check attached images, looking for identification.
Captured at Doda JK

Altitude 2200m approx

I think Cerastium davuricum Fisch. ex Spreng. as per images and details herein.

yes sir, it is C.davuricum, a rare Cerastium. davuricum named after the type locality in Davuria Russia.

