Plant for ID170911AMS3: found in kashmir garden,temperate,temp-22-29degree Dahlia rosea hybrid. Hooghly Today : Dahlia pinnata Cav. (2): ID Help : – 2015april_sk04/04 : Dahlia pinnata Cav. : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (14)
This winter I bought a few saplings. Recorded photographs time to time to observe changes in growth. First, leaves looked like simple ones, as the plant grew it grew pinnate.
While other members in this group prefer to use the term Dahlia species/cultivar I think, based on, it is cultivar(s) Dahlia pinnata Cav.
Please, tell me if you disagree.
…, I will check your thread one more time. .
Hooghly Today : Dahlia pinnata Cav. (1): ID Help : – This is not D. pinnata Cav. It is a cultivar of Dahlia of hybrid origin. As per wikipedia most hybrids are of D. pinnata and D. coccinea
Please, update all my Dahlia uploads. Also, there is “Dahlia × hortensis” in the commercial world, may be a hybrid of Dahlia ×hortensis Guillaumin. And, finally, Sir ji, there is this paper –