Grevillea speciosa (Knight) McGill., Telopea 1: 24 1975. (Syn: Embothrium minus Willd.; Embothrium sericeum var. major Sm.; Grevillea dubia R.Br.; Grevillea punicea R.Br.; Grevillea punicea var. crassifolia A.A.Ham.; Grevillea sericea Lodd.; Hakea speciosa (Knight) Christenh. & Byng; Lysanthe sericea Knight; Lysanthe speciosa Knight);
Australia (New South Wales: N-half of the Sydney Basin, from just S of Port
Jackson N to Gosford, Kulnura and Bucketty) as per Catalogue of Life; Flora-Australia-44: Grevillea speciosa– Proteaceae.
Wonderful. It’s more like a red butterfly than flower. References: