Swertia speciosa D. Don, ; London Edinb. Philos. Mag. J. Sci. 8: 77 (1836). (Syn: Swertia perfoliata Royle ex G. Don ; Swertia speciosa var. perfoliata (G. Don) C. B. Clarke) as per Annotated checklist of Flowering plants of Nepal;

Swertia speciosa G. Don (syn: Swertia kingii Hook. fil.; Swertia lahulensis Kern.; Swertia perfoliata Royle ex G. Don; Swertia petiolata Royle; Swertia rex C. B. Cl.; Swertia speciosa var. lacei Burkill; Swertia speciosa var. perfoliata (G. Don) Clarke) as per Catalogue of Life;    

Nepal, Pakistan (Kurram, Chitral, Swat), Pakistani Kashmir (Deosai), Jammu &
Kashmir (Kashmir), NW-India (Lahul), Afghanistan (Kunar / Nuristan), S-Tibet,
Sikkim, Chumbi
as per Catalogue of Life;
Showy Swertia;   



Swertia for ID_221010_RKC_03 : Attachments (4). 7 posts by 3 authors.

Pl help me in identifying this Swertia sp. 
Loc.: On way to Churdhar, Himachal Pradesh (ca 2000m)
Time of Coll.: August, 2010.

May be Swertia tetragona

After relook at above specimens of …, I think the plant is Swertia pilosa and not Swertia tetragona

Received a personal mail from … from Himachal who identified this as Swertia speciosa D. Don.
His post on ‘flowers of india’ can also bee seen with the following link:

I am really surprised at myself, I can’t imagine how I typed S. pilosa (a name which does not exist) in place of S. speciosa. I really had latter in mind. Thanks for bringing this to my notice. 





Swertia perfoliata?? enroute Guntarao – GHNP-PKA2 : 9 posts by 6 authors. Attachments (5).  

Seen this Swertia sp. (Family: Gentianaceae) enroute Guntaraol at “Great Himalayan National Park” (GHNP) at altitude of approx. 3700m.
Bot. name: Swertia perfoliata ?? (Pl. validate)
Date/Time: 26-09-2014 / 12:45PM

Could it be Swertia speciosa, a plant recorded as fairly common at these altitudes in GHNP and other places in Himachal? 

Both of you are correct in identifying the species. S. speciosa is the correct name for the species while S. perfoliata is unresolved name.

Yes a beautiful, big Swertia, and late bloomer too.

With the background landscape I believe you must have enjoyed scenic beauty there.

Yes …, Scenic beauty was simply superb..

I think it is correct to call S. speciosa as accepted name and S. perfoliata as synonym.

Unresolved names The Plant List to me appears it is their biggest drawback. My motto simple ignore it and search for GRIN, eFl of China, Annotated checklist of Flowering plant of Nepal  (online updated version) for recent accepted names.



Swertia 3 – From Pangi id al220911: Another Swertia, This time from Pangi…

Location Pangi Valley
Altitude 3000 mts
Habit herb
habitat wild
Height 2 feet

I really loved this one… Swertias are really attractive flowers and this one was exceptional…

The closest I can think is Swertia speciosa

Yes sir, I thought it was another variation of it because of the colour of it’s nectaries and flower..

Swertia speciosa ABAUG2017/32 : 6 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (12)

I had seen these handsome, tall, plants on my previous visit and though I saw some buds, I did not see any flowers. I couldn’t hike to the area for a week or so and finally managed a day-hike on Sunday. Many of the plants were flowering and I got my fill. Here are some photos of this beautiful species.
Swertia speciosa

Near Ilaqa, Dharamshala, HP
3300m approx.
27 August 2017

Very beautiful find…I am yet to see this beauty…

Superb images, …  We are able to see the Himalayas through your eyes. 





This unique species of Swertia was cultivated in a garden near Gandola (cable car station) in Gulmarg
Photographed on 17 August, 2011
This perennial herb, about 1.5-2 m tall was unique in leaves being in whorls of three, broader at base and sessile, somewhat connate at base. Flowers greenish-yellow, 5-merous, in short inflorescences in leaf axils; calyx lobes linear longer than corolla in bud; corolla lobes lanceolate, each with two green glands at base of each lobe, fringed by white hairs; filaments free.

I think this is Frazera speciosa, please validate

There is a big catch, however. Frasera speciosa flowers are tetramerous. Here they are pentamerous.

I hope Swertia petiolata after suggestion by … in another thread  

Looks different from other images at Swertia petiolata D.Don

After feedback and on closer look (Iconnate leaf base is good enough together with vertical stripes on corolla and elongated calyx tips) I take it as Swertia speciosa..

This unique species of Swertia was cultivated in a garden near Gandola (cable car station) in Gulmarg
Photographed on 17 August, 2011
This perennial herb, about 1.5-2 m tall was unique in leaves being in whorls of three, broader at base and sessile, somewhat connate at base. Flowers greenish-yellow, 5-merous, in short inflorescences in leaf axils; calyx lobes linear longer than corolla in bud; corolla lobes lanceolate, each with two green glands at base of each lobe, fringed by white hairs; filaments free.
ID please

I hope Swertia petiolata after suggestion by … in another thread

Looks different from other images at Swertia petiolata D.Don

After feedback and on closer look (Iconnate leaf base is good enough together with vertical stripes on corolla and elongated calyx tips) I take it as Swertia speciosa..

Swertia petiolata D.Don in London & Edinb. Phil. J. Sc. 8: 77. 1836. 
Perennial herb often up to 1m tall; basal leaves obovate-oblong to elliptic-spthulate, up to 20 cm long; cauline leaves opposite, connate at base, up to 10 cm long and 2 cm broad; flowers greenish-yellow or lurid grey, 5-merous; calyx lobes linear, longer than corolla in bud; corolla lobes elliptic oblong to nearly lancelateeach with two green glands at base of each lobe, fringed by white hairs; filaments free; capsule 8-10 mm long. 
Photographed from Gulmarg, Kashmir near Gandola

Looks different from other images at Swertia petiolata D.Don

After feedback and on closer look (Iconnate leaf base is good enough together with vertical stripes on corolla and elongated calyx tips) I take it as Swertia speciosa..
Thanks … for renewing doubt.
