Request Tree ID: 0012 : Attachments (2 + 1 + 7 + 1).  21 posts by 4 authors.
Domlur, Bangalore

This was the fruit and it just started flowering now in Bangalore

Is the fruit from the same plant in the pictures of your first message in this thread?
Is it a tree?

All are from the same Tree.

In fact I have put the pictures of the tree when it had fruits

I am adding few more pictures for identifying this tree.

This is quite interesting!

The flowers looks like a species of Fabaceae but the fruits (looks like Aegle marmalos) are confusing!

Another possibility is Polygalaceae and I was thinking about species of Securidaca …. but here leaves are compound and fruits are not that of Securidaca spp
To run the key of Fabaceae with these pictures are very difficult for me. Let us wait for more inputs from others.

Flowering season was July-Sep
Fruits will come after few months. Mar-Jun

Are these fruits??? I suspect they may be galls as they seem to be borne directly on branches.

The fruits are bigger than a jamun fruit.
I saw them hanging from a longer stalk in which it bore the flowers.
Can galls can be that big?

I am uploading image of the canopy, if you keeps zooming you can see the fruits on the top of the tree

Could you please break open one fruit and upload the picture of the same, if possible.

Before breaking, please take a picture of fruit close up, from side as well

Now I don’t see any fruit at all. I have to wait for it.

If I find one, I will take the snaps of it before and after breaking it.

Its flowering again (5.2.12). Last flush didn’t result in fruits

This tree seems to be great puzzle to me.

maybe a species of Milletia.

The fruit is more globose, not like a pod that’s why its bit elusive

Please wait for the fruit.

When the fruit matures please break open the same and take some snap and kindly share the same.

You have seen this only in Domlur?

There are 4/5 trees on 12th Main Indiranagar

Finally have a name for this. There is a beautiful specimen in Lalbagh.

Andira inermis

This site has beautiful photographs

Very interesting!
I think you got it right, a Leguminosae species.

Andira inermis is a nitrogen-fixing tree native to the area from southern Mexico through Central America to northern South America (Peru, Bolivia, and Brazil); it has been introduced to the Caribbean, the Antilles, Florida, and Africa.  
The tree has many names due to its wide distribution and multiple uses: it is also known as the cabbage bark (in Belize), almendro macho (in El Salvador), almendro de ri­o or river almond (Honduras), bastard cabbage tree, cabbage angelin (USA), cabbage bark (USA), cabbage tree, carne asada (Costa Rica), guacamayo (Honduras), Jamaica cabbage tree, moca (Puerto Rico), partridge wood (USA), worm bark, or yellow cabbage tree.  
The tree grows to approximately 35m in height and 0.7m in diameter. It is evergreen and unbuttressed and has a dense crown and pink flowers.  
It grows primarily in riparian zones in forests along rivers. It can also be found in drier areas, including roadsides, pastures, and woodlands.
(From Wikipedia)

Thanks for sharing this wonderful Fabaceae tree.
Where is it? Must be some park in Bangalore
It must have been planted by British during their regime in India

Lalbagh has it, and few of them are in 12 main road indiaranagar



Lalbagh Botanical Gardens Bangalore
Date: 19 FEB 2017 … Altitude: ~ 906 m (2972 ft) asl
ID please
Dear friends,
Hoping that the golden panicles help in recognizing this tree; please help with the ID.

Name    Cabbage Bark Tree
Type    Tree
Family  Fabaceae
Sub Family      Faboideae
Genus   Andira
Species inermis
Authority       (W. Wright) Kunth ex DC.
