IUCN Red List Status: Near Threatened and Lower Risk/Near Threatened (NT)

travancorica W.W.Sm., 29 1914.;

by Samir Mehta (Inserted by J.M.Garg) (For more photos & complete details, click
on the links)



Gynura sp possibly travancorica @ Kankeshwar, January 2012: The subject line is circumspect for a number of reasons.

Had labelled this plant Gynura cusimbua and forgotten all about it till I photographed an almost identical plant whose leaves were glabrous and got down to some reading.
I have relied on Flora Maharashtra keys for the identity [ref: Flora Maharashtra 3:111 and 3:113].
Erect herb (1-2 ft.) in a dry grassland at the base of a hill (Kankeshwar, Alibaug) on Jan. 01, 2012.
The leaves are the ‘key’ and the basis for the species id.
This species is listed as ‘near threatened’ in the IUCN red list [
Thank You for viewing / comments, as appropriate – if indicated.

See link for comparison.

I would love to see the habit and habitat picture of this plant, if you have the same.

Here are the keys to genus Gynura from Flora Maharashtra 3:11.
1. Leaves glabrous……………………………………………2
2. Climbing or sarmentose herbs—————-G. procumbens
2. Erect herbs——————————–3
3. Leaves fleshy, 2.8-4 by 2.8-4 cm ————-G. nitida
3. Leaves not fleshy, 2.5 by 2.5 cm————–.
G. bicolor
1. Leaves with dense tomentum, simple———-.G. travancorica
If any group-member can help locate ‘Flowering plants of India, Nepal & Bhutan’ 229, 1990 by Nathani I will be grateful as Almeida quotes this reference for G. travancorica.
