Spreading annual herb with decumbent to erect stems with spreading hairs and glandular trichomes; basal leaves long petiolate, upper alternate on shorter petioles; stipules lanceolate, free; leaf blade rounded to reniform, 1-5 cm broad, divided more than half into 7-9 obtriangular segments divided further into 3-4 lobes; flowers red to purple, in 2-flowered cluster on up to 8 cm long peduncle; pedicel 5-15 mm long; sepals 2-5 mm long with minute mucro; petals nearly twice as long as sepals, deeply notched; anthers purplish; mericarps 2 mm long , transversely wrinkled, beak 6-11 mm long.
Similar in appearance to G. pusillum but distinct by its deeply notched petals and wrinkled mericarps.


Geranium pusillum from Kashmir:
Geranium pusillum Burm.f. from Kashmir, growing on dry slopes at lower altitudes. Photographed from Mohra near Uri in Kashmir on June 24, 2010.
Common name: Small-flowered crane’sbill.
Used as astringent, anodyne, vulnerary.

Your flower, which was believed to be Geranium pusillum, should actually be Geranium molle
Although leaves of the two species are closely similar, the flowers are quite distinguishable. Petals of Geranium pusillum are not deeply notched:
Petals of Geranium molle are deeply notched
It is supposed to be found in NW India (which should include Kashmir)
Also, many sites on the web do not represent the two species correctly

Yes it is Geranium molle only


Balsaminaceae, Geraniaceae and Oxalidaceae Week: Geraniaceae-Geranium molle from Kashmir-GS-23 : 3 images. 3 posts by 3 authors.
Geranium molle L., Sp. Pl. 2: 682. 1753.

Common name: Dovefoot crane’s-bill
Spreading annual herb with decumbent to erect stems with spreading hairs and glandular trichomes; basal leaves long petiolate, upper alternate on shorter petioles; stipules lanceolate, free; leaf blade rounded to reniform, 1-5 cm broad, divided more than half into 7-9 obtriangular segments divided further into 3-4 lobes; flowers red to purple, in 2-flowered cluster on up to 8 cm long peduncle; pedicel 5-15 mm long; sepals 2-5 mm long with minute mucro; petals nearly twice as long as sepals, deeply notched; anthers purplish; mericarps 2 mm long , transversely wrinkled, beak 6-11 mm long.
Photographed from Kashmir
Similar in appearance to G. pusillum but distinct by its deeply notched petals and wrinkled mericarps. 

