Geranium molle L., Sp. Pl. 682 1753. (Syn: Geranium abortivum De Not. ex Ces.; Geranium album Picard; Geranium argenteum Lucé; Geranium brutium Gasp.; Geranium leiocaulon Ledeb.; Geranium lucanum Gasp. ex Nyman; Geranium luganense Chenev. ex Schroet.; Geranium macropetalum (Boiss.) Posp.; Geranium malvifolium Schleich. ex DC.; Geranium molle var. album Picard …………; Geranium oenense Borbás ex Hallier; Geranium pseudovillosum Schur; Geranium pyrenaicum subsp. villosum Nyman; Geranium stipulare Kunze; Geranium villosum Ten. [Illegitimate]; Geranium villosum var. villosissimum Ten.);
Spreading annual herb with decumbent to erect stems with spreading hairs and glandular trichomes; basal leaves long petiolate, upper alternate on shorter petioles; stipules lanceolate, free; leaf blade rounded to reniform, 1-5 cm broad, divided more than half into 7-9 obtriangular segments divided further into 3-4 lobes; flowers red to purple, in 2-flowered cluster on up to 8 cm long peduncle; pedicel 5-15 mm long; sepals 2-5 mm long with minute mucro; petals nearly twice as long as sepals, deeply notched; anthers purplish; mericarps 2 mm long , transversely wrinkled, beak 6-11 mm long.
Similar in appearance to G. pusillum but distinct by its deeply notched petals and wrinkled mericarps.
Geranium pusillum from Kashmir:
Geranium pusillum Burm.f. from Kashmir, growing on dry slopes at lower altitudes. Photographed from Mohra near Uri in Kashmir on June 24, 2010. Common name: Small-flowered crane’sbill.
Used as astringent, anodyne, vulnerary. Your flower, which was believed to be Geranium pusillum, should actually be Geranium molle Yes it is Geranium molle only . Balsaminaceae, Geraniaceae and Oxalidaceae Week: Geraniaceae-Geranium molle from Kashmir-GS-23 : 3 images. 3 posts by 3 authors. Common name: Dovefoot crane’s-bill
Spreading annual herb with decumbent to erect stems with spreading hairs and glandular trichomes; basal leaves long petiolate, upper alternate on shorter petioles; stipules lanceolate, free; leaf blade rounded to reniform, 1-5 cm broad, divided more than half into 7-9 obtriangular segments divided further into 3-4 lobes; flowers red to purple, in 2-flowered cluster on up to 8 cm long peduncle; pedicel 5-15 mm long; sepals 2-5 mm long with minute mucro; petals nearly twice as long as sepals, deeply notched; anthers purplish; mericarps 2 mm long , transversely wrinkled, beak 6-11 mm long.
Photographed from Kashmir
Similar in appearance to G. pusillum but distinct by its deeply notched petals and wrinkled mericarps. , References: