Glebionis coronaria (L.) Cass. ex Spach, Hist. nat. vég. 10:181. 1841, nom. cons. (Syn: (≡) Chrysanthemum coronarium L. (basionym);  (=) Chrysanthemum roxburghii Desf.; (=) Glebionis roxburghii (Desf.) Tzvelev; (≡) Xantophtalmum coronarium (L.) P. D. Sell);

The garland chrysanthemum, Chrysanthemum coronarium or Leucanthemum coronarium, also known as chrysanthemum greens or edible chrysanthemum, is native to the Mediterranean and East Asia. It is a leaf vegetable in the genus Chrysanthemum, or by some botanists in Leucanthemum.

A leafy herb, the garland chrysanthemum, Chrysanthemum coronarium, is one of the few annual plants in its genus and has yellow florets grouped in small rayed flower heads and aromatic, bipinnately lobed leaves. The vegetable grows very well in mild or slightly cold climates, but will go quickly into premature flowering in warm summer conditions. Seeds are sown in early spring and fall.
“The plant is rich in minerals and vitamins with potassium concentrations at 610 mg/100 g and carotene at 3.4 g/100 g in edible portions. In addition, the plant contains various antioxidants (in stem, leaf,and root tissues) that have potential long-term benefits for human health, although toxic (dioxin) properties have also been observed. Extracts from C. coronarium var. spatiosum have been shown to inhibit growth of Lactobacillus casei, a beneficial human intestinal bacterium.”[2] 
The plant’s greens are used in many Asian cuisines.
(From Wikipedia on 15.5.13)


ornamental3 Hooghly 20-01-13 sk3: This is an asteraceae thus much i can say.

Species : UNKNOWN
H & H : ornamental, about 4 ft high
Date : 20-01-13

Place : Bandipur (Hooghly)

Good morning, this seems to be the Chrysanthemum coronarium L.

Similar looking flowers in Flowersofindia are Marguerite Daisy, Chrysanthemum frutescens.

Experts kindly validate.

Thank you very much …, it’s really very confusing – 

1) for Chrysanthemum coronarium L. :-

Thank you …

You may like to find Chrysanthemum (Pyrethrum) in F.B. I., F. I. and Bengal Plants; the links are –

It is only Glebionis coronaria (Syn. Chrysanthemum coronarium) and not Chrysanthemum frutescens as given on main page for Argyranthemum frutescens
Photographs posted by … from USA belongs to Argyranthemum frutescens.
I’ll post white flowering plants of this species clicked at Solan.

The accepted name for Chrysanthemum frutescens is Argyranthemum frutescens

Pangi id- al030911a: These details may not be enough for an id.. but I am sending it to the forum to show the variety too

Location Pangi
Altitude 2500 mts
Habit herb
Habitat wild
Height 12 inches

I hope Chrysanthemum coronarium

Agreed Sir may be Chrysanthemum coronarium.

It may be escape as this plant is a popular garden winter Annual

Chrysenthemum coronarium…. lovely flowers, last several days…
This plant has a checkered history… is/was a popular garden plant… became more popular after 1982… when it was discovered to have anti viral esp Anti HIV 1 activity….
Its good to have a few of these plants around… though not this species, but chrysenthemums as a whole improve the air quality around them… esp formaldehyde…
Historically though some cultures have been eating it eat its greens as a bitter… in soups and make tea… its rich in choline and vitamin B1…

but farmers who harvest the stalks get the sap on their hands and sometimes eye… develop allergies and dermatitis…
especially because of cross reactivity with Pyrethrum, a popular biodegradable insecticide and insect repellent…

This plant is creating some doubt in my mind

Was it really wild?
Height only 30 cm

What was diameter of head?

Sir it was growing by the roadside and the flower would be about 3-3.5 cm and yes it was 30 cm approx (not more)


ID Pls – grown automatically at my garden beside season flower bed (may be seed came with some season flower seed packet): ID Pls – grown automatically at my garden beside season flower bed (may be seed came with some season flower seed packet)

It looks like Chrysanthemum coronarium of Asteraceae.
Wikipedia image
Flower pictures

I too feel that it is Chrysanthenum coronarium.


Asteraceae Fortnight Part 1-Radiate Heads: Glebionis coronaria (L.) Cass. ex Spach from Delhi and California-GS44 : Attachments (5).  2 posts by 2 authors.

Glebionis coronaria (L.) Cass. ex Spach
Syn: Chrysanthemum coronarium L.
Common names: Crown daisy, chop-suey-green

Common ornamental with dissected leaves and white to yellow heads. Photographed from Delhi.

Thanks sir for latest name..this also confirms my upload..


Asteraceae Fortnight Part I-Radiate Heads: Ornamentals- Chrysanthemum coronarium from Kaithal- NS 26 :

Attachments (2). 4 posts by 2 authors.

This one was shot from a school garden in my home place, I hope this is Chrysanthemum coronarium…. please correct me..

efi page: Chrysanthemum coronarium

Very Beautiful photographs. For me, your ID is correct

Asteraceae Fortnight : Part 1 – Radiate Heads : Request For ID : Flower Show,Mumbai : 140513 : AK-44 :
Attachments (2).  8 posts by 5 authors.

Sharing pictures taken at the Flower Show in Jijamata Udyan, Mumbai on 23/2/2012.

Cultivated, ornamental.

Id please.

Chrysanthemum coronarium I hope

Thanks for the id.
I am confused because similar flowers on flowersofindia show id as Chrysanthemum coronarium. common name Marguerite Daisy.

Can you kindly check?

The malis here call it baboona.

I think … has already conveyed the name.. appears in my mail box.. Chrysanthemum coronarium

During Dasara and Diwali festivals I have seen these flowers along with the total yellow Chrysanthemums.

Pappus is absent or reduced corona like in Chrysanthemum. Disc is flat..


Glebionis coronaria : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3)  

Sharing some pictures I guess is Glebionis coronaria shot at Leh City on 20 August 2014 at 11000 ft.

I do not pay much attention to cultivated plants when in Ladakh but at a glance, these images do seem to match Glebionis coronaria – which used to be known as Chrysanthemum coronarium.  Stewart comments that this is planted in flower gardens in the plains and hills

of Pakistan and Kashmir.  Recorded in the Indus Valley in the 19th Century by German botanist Meebold – after whom Primula meeboldii is named.

Asteraceae for ID : Nasik : 10JUN21 : AK-05: 2 images.
A cultivated field of these flowers seen in Dec, 20.

Glebionis Species?
Could be Glebionis coronaria?

May be as per

Not sure with so many cultivars.