Lambertia formosa Sm., Trans. Linn. Soc. 4: 223 1798. (Syn: Lambertia barbata Gand.; Lambertia formosa var. longifolia Andrews; Lambertia formosa var. pallida Guilf.; Lambertia formosa f. tomentosa Domin; Lambertia proxima Gand.; Protea nectarina J.C.Wendl.); 
Australia (EC- to NE-New South Wales) as per Catalogue of Life;



Flora–Aus-79: Lambertia formosaa shrub on the heath, along the sea shore, known as `mountain devil.`, F Proteaceae, native here.




This beautiful shrub from Proteaceae is an Australian native.. Lambertia formosa Sm.
Pics recorded from Mount Tomah Botanical Garden, NSW… 

wow. do you have the whole plant

Thanks … for liking…I do not have its habit pics..!! It was raining and too windy when I hurriedly clicked some of plants at Mount Tomah Botanical Garden…!!

thats ok. thanks. i went to that botanic garden site and looked it up. its one of the smaller protea, a native australian plant. not yet used much in cut flower trade though, i wonder why 

