Echinocactus species ?;



Plant for ID: This cactus growing in our Garden flowered last week.

May I request you for an help to ID this plant please.

What a gorgeous picture of an equally gorgeous flower…
Your cactus has not only flowered , it has produced all those little cactus-lets: babies…
my question: how big and HOW old is this cactus..??/
It seems to me to be an Echinopsis…. further classification needs closer study , I think of the ribs and spines: numbers of each, and their arrangements etc… and of the areoles…
perhaps we have officials from the cactus soc or the Cactus garden at eflora, HELP!!!

This could be some species of Echinocactus.

You may be right, but in my experience all the echinopsis flowers and some cereus may look very similar, enough to fool some experts…