Mucuna imbricata

Mucuna imbricata DC. ex Baker, J. D. Hooker, Fl. Brit. India 2:185. 1876 (DC., Prodr. 2:406. 1825, nom. nud.);

Ohashi (1979) treats this species as a synonym of Mucuna nigricans and Tateishi and Ohashi (1981) give Mucuna imbricata and M. nigricans as synonyms of M. hainanensis. Wilmot-Dear (1991) suggests that five possible taxa may be involved in delimitation of these species. This assessment is based on the treatment of this species in the revision of Mucuna by Wilmot-Dear (1987). Wilmot-Dear (1987) also notes that this species closely resembles M. interrupta Gagnep. 
This species is listed as occurrring in Bhutan, northeast India, Bangladesh, Myanmar and Sri Lanka (Wilmot-Dear 1987). It is also listed by Parkinson (1923) as a component of the forest flora of the Andaman Islands, however, this is not confimed by Wilmot-Dear (1987). The specimen from Sri Lanka has now been redetermined as M. atropurpurea (Thomas pers. comm. 2011). 
This large woody climber is found in river valleys, forests and woodland margins. Stinging hairs on the fruits provide protection from predation (Sanjappa pers comm. 2011).  
(From  IUCN Red List (LC)  

Local name: Baidanka
Family: Fabaceae
Place of collection: Ranpur, Nayagarh, Orissa
Habit: Climber
Habitat: Wild, near perennial streams at Semi-evergreen forests
Altitude: 300 to 500 m above msl




Mucuna urens ? : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3)

Location Rajnagar Kumarghat Unakoti district Tripura
Please identify
It could be Mucuna urens

Its Mucuna imbricata

I also attach Mucuna imbricata photo from West bengal

Location – on the way of Buxa tigar reserve forest  
Attachments (2)


GRIN   IUCN Red List (LC) 

The Plant List (Mucuna imbricata Baker syn. Stizolobium imbricatum (Baker) “Kuntze, p.p.”)

ILDIS (Mucuna imbricata Baker syn. Stizolobium imbricatum (Baker)Kuntze, p.p.)

Flora of Pakistan (Mucuna imbricata DC. as a syn. of Mucuna nigricans (Lour.), Steud.) 

Annotated checklist of the flowering plants of Nepal (Mucuna imbricata DC. as a syn. of Mucuna nigricans (Lour.) Steud.)

Updated on December 24, 2024

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