Luvunga sarmentosa (Bl.) Kurz, J. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, Pt. 2, Nat. Hist. 39: 69 1870. (syn: Lampetia sarmentosa (Blume) M.Roem.; Luvunga crassifolia Tanaka; Luvunga eleutherandra Dalzell; Luvunga linearis Tanaka; Luvunga tavoyana Lindl.Rhamnus oppositifolia Noronha; Triphasia sarmentosa Blume;
W. & S. India, Central & S. Vietnam to W. Malesia as per POWO;
India (Maharashtra, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Kerala), Java, Vietnam as per Catalogue of Life;

Rutaceae week : Luvunga sarmentosa Kurz:
Sharing pics of Luvunga sarmentosa  Kurz, Family : Rutaceae

Thanks for sharing the pictures of
Luvunga eleutherandra
Dalz. (Luvunga sarmentosa Kurz.)
New to me.
Native of Maharashtra. 

Some info. from BSI flora
Scandent shrub (Or large evergreen climber),
Long branches armed with short curved spines2-2.5cmLeaves alternate 3 foliolate.
Leaflets coriaceous margins incurved.
Flowers 1-1.5 cm across ; in short axillary cymes…..nicely observed here with a cup shaped calyx.

supposed to be found in the wild in Bengal, but not seen in Urban wilds…
may be one must go to deeper parts

Rutaceae week: Luvunga eleutherandra at Shigekeri, karnataka:
This one is a climber.
Bot. name: Luvunga eleutherandra
Family: Rutaceae
Location: Shigekeri, karnataka

Wild climber SN241117 : 7 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2)
Wild climber from Siddhapura area of Karnataka

Zanthoxylum ovalifolium ?

I think does not match with images at Zanthoxylum ovalifolium

This is Luvunga eleuthandra

Luvunga sarmentosa (Bl.) Kurz. SN06032019 : 4 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (2)
Luvunga sarmentosa (Bl.) Kurz,
Wild shrub from Agumbe area of Karnataka


