Rhodophiala rosea


Sharing images of Lycoris sanguinea flowering:
Images of
Lycoris sanguinea (? hope I have identified correctly. pl confirm)

March end and April 1st & 2nd week flowering in Mumbai in a pot
Flower Color: peach-apricot/orange-apricot
Family: Amaryllidaceae
Common Name: Magic lily, Resurrection lily, Naked lady lily
When the flowers of lycoris bloom, their leaves would have fallen; when their leaves grow, the flowers would have wilted.
In the images one plant is flowering and another one is growing leaves.
efi thread
Images are of not best quality (taken from my cell camera) but I was searching on eflora and couldn’t find a single image. So thought should share.

Thank you for sharing, lovely colors… rare, most we see here are red… I noticed you have a very ineresting way to plant your plants… eclectic posts… must reduce the weight of the container… my question … 1: can one keep these plants in plastic bags for long?

and 2: what is that long tall almost translucent planter in the back right side?
would be interesting where roots need to be deeper than the usual 6 to 8 inch deep pots…
is it a long tube you designed from several bags or pipes ?
this information would be interesting for those of us who “garden” in a small balcony!!!

Yes, the space crunch leads one to interesting-ness and innovation.:)
More than the load it was space crunch which led me to use & recycle materials around me. Only some 7-8 months ago I would settle for nothing less than good old terracotta pots but now I happily use anything and everything which fits into my very narrow space.
1: can one keep these plants in plastic bags for long?
When I look at my happy plants I am forced to say YES.
I now worry about what mix I put into the plastic bag (bottle/jar) rather than in what I am putting my plant. For me soil+coco peat+ vermi compost equal parts work wonders.
And I am finicky about drainage and watering my plants. Never overwater!
For me the question now is how long the plastic bags would last. I just had first casualty in 7-8 months, a bird pecked a hole in my pippali’s thick bag and without much disturbing the roots I put the plant back in a new one!
2: what is that long tall almost translucent planter in the back right side?
ok that is just a 2 liter bottle cut from bottom, yes for roots. And yes I have few other plants in 3-4 plastic bags put together as a single pot, just the way you thought!
This way not only I am able to use my narrow space but able use it vertically too by hanging the plants.

Thank you for the detailed explanation…
I need to find a source of coco peat…
a couple of years ago, visiting an old junior school teacher for nostalgia, her family took us on a tour of nearby lakes in deep villages of Bengal, there was a shed where some one was making coconut fibre rassi, so had a lot of small grainy peat, brought it washed it dried it etc and used it but my plants did not like it.
Have not found a source here locally, in Gujarat my friends tell me they are able to buy 25 lbs bricks that they break off, soak in h2o and use it..
I liked your use of the mom’s grocery basket, pink too for a planter…
At the horticulture garden this year two stalls were selling coconut fibres sewn thru to make liners for hanging baskets… that would be better than the plastic saucers they are selling in nurseries…

These don’t match with images of this species at
Missouri Bot. Garden
I think it is Rhodophiala rosea as per images herein.
April 2013
Sharing pix of flowers of Lycoris sanguinea at a hsng soc garden at Pune. the petals were shining.
Id help efi thread

Nice pix with great details

These don’t match with images of this species at
I think it is Rhodophiala rosea as per images herein.


Lily for ID : Nasik : 160912 : AK-1:
A very old picture taken at Gangajal Nursery, Nasik on 18/6/2006.
Day Lily or Amaryllis?

Again Hippeastrum may be H. puniceum.

Hippeastrum roseum

Hippeastrum species. There are many hybrids and it is difficult to narrow down to a particular cultivar/ hybrid



Lycoris sanguinea in bamboo thicket from Hooghly:
Found these beautiful flowers in the wild. This was a wonderful gift from my beloved colleague Mrs. M. Chatterjee who passed me the breaking news!

Species : Lycoris sanguinea Maxim.
Habit & Habitat : wild herb, roadside
Date : 04-05-12, 10.30 a.m.
Place : Garalgacha (Hooghly), WB

I think this would be Hippeastrum roseum.

Thank you very much, …, for the correct ID. A net search tells me it is Hippeastrum roseum, not the Lycoris sanguinea.


How do you differentiate between Hippeastrum roseum and Lycoris Sanguinea. Please let me know if posiible as net is full of confusing information!

It was an uncultivated area inside a village.
Please also see my recent post at – efi thread

I am not a botanist so will not be able to give scientific details. My input here is from a purely horticultural aspect having grown Lycoris and Hippeastrum (hybrids and a few species) commercially..Both Lycoris and Hippeastrum are bulbous, decidous/dormant (in respective season) plants and they belong to the family AmaryllidaceaeLycoris is of Asian origin (China/Japan) while Hippeastrum is native to South America (Argentina/Brazil). Lycoris are winter growers and flower in summer after loosing their leaves. Hippeastrum go dormant in winter and flower from early spring before continuing their growth.
I am attaching picture of Lycoris radiata and Lycoris aurea. Both these species flower for us in Kalimpong from mid August through September. Hippeastrum roseum and Hippeastrum puniceum have just finished flowering for us…April/May . I am listing a few links below which might provide further information.
Hippeastrum roseum synonym
You will find from the last two links that Hippeastrum roseum is actually a synonym of Rhodophiala rosea. Couldn’t get more complicated than that! Lycoris aurea and Lycros radiata are grown in villages by farmers and in the many flower nurseries in Kaimpong as a commercial crop. During the summer, in the “haat bazaar” of Kalimpong (Saturday and Wednesday), villagers can be seen selling bunches of Lycoris cut flowers along with vegetables, fruits, goats and chickens! The accompanying photo of the haat bazaar was taken in early October and you can see some bunches of Lycoris aurea flowers below the green bananas hanging from the wall.
More confusion. Most “Amaryllis” hybrids sold commercially are actually Hippeastrum Hybrids!!

Thank you very much … for all these info on Lycoris & Hippeastrum.
But your fourth image, specially the anthers, matches with the flowers in my another post at – efi thread !
Moreover, the plant in the above post have many leaves while the plants in this post have very few leaves. This doesn’t matches with the description you provided on Lycoris.

It appears to me that the species uploaded in my another post – efi thread is Hippeastrum roseum as have been identified by …
But the species featured here, i think, is not Hippeastrum roseum, maybe some other species of Hippeastrum as in – 123rf (the validity in this link is questionable).
Hours of google search gives me some interesting find –
1) Almost all Hippeastrum images do bear short anther with yellow pollen, so do Lycoris
2) Images of Hippeastrum also feature leaves alongwith, on the other hand images of Lycoris seldom feature flower and leaves together.
3) scape height doesn’t help, neither flowering season helps.

Certainly it is Rhodophiala rosea, as … identified in those days.



Hippeastrum roseum or Lycoris sanguinea ??? from Hooghly 08-05-12 SK-1:
Attaching some photographs that i have recorded a couple of hours ago. Please read it along with my earlier post at – efi thread.
Species : UNKNOWN
Habit & Habitat : wild herb, uncultivated area in mango orchard
Date : 08-05-12, 09.04 a.m.
Place : Nalikul (Hooghly), WB
I have noted the following differences between the two species –
1) Marked difference in anther size and colour : this species has smaller anther and pollens are yellow
2) Difference in scape height : the height os the scape of this one is about 60 cm, while the scape is more than 70 cm in efi thread
3) No differences in flower size or scape diameter
4) No visible difference in colour

Please check Hippeastrum puniceum.

I think this species is Hippeastrum roseum as has been suggested by … in another post

Leave alone those species, i searched the net a lot to understand differences between Hippeastrum and Lycoris but failed to find any. Do you have any idea as to why the flowers in my other post bear different anthers?

Why your plant doesnt look like Hippeastrum vittatum?

What i learned from … reply to …:-
1) Lycoris is of Asian origin, winter grower, flowers in summer after loosing their leaves
All the above matches with my post “Lycoris sanguinea in bamboo thicket from Hooghly” at – efi thread
2) Hippeastrum is native to S. America, go dormant in winter, flower from early spring, …in Kalimpong have just finished flowering… April/May
The above text and images available in the net indicates my second post, titled “Hippeastrum roseum or Lycoris sanguinea ??? from Hooghly 08-05-12 SK-1”, at – efi thread features either Hippeastrum roseum or H. puniceum or H. vittatum as have been suggested/indicated by …, … and … respectively.

I think the content is same as in efi thread. … identified the species as H. roseum, not H. vittatum !!
Moreover, i copy here my earlier reply to … that can be found in this very post –

“Thank you …, for resurfacing the post. I think this species is Hippeastrum roseum as has been suggested by Ganesh Ji in another post –
efi thread
Furthermore, the following link indicates that what are known as H. roseum are actually H. puniceum. Please see – Pacific bulb society. The same has been suggested by ….
So, what i should go for? H. roseumH.puniceumH. vittatum? Or do i take all for synonyms?
Again, what might be the explanation of longer anther size in efi thread ?

I think Rhodophiala rosea as per another thread: Lycoris sanguinea in bamboo thicket from Hooghly


Lily for ID?130610-PKA2 – efloraofindia | Google Groups

SK1730 16 Jan 2019 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1)- 3 mb.
Location : Sentosa , Singapore
Date : 18 October 2012
Altitude  131 m.
Habit : Cultivated
Lilium hybrid ??



Updated on December 24, 2024