Mentha pulegium L., Sp. Pl. 577 1753. (Syn: Melissa pulegium (L.) Griseb.; Mentha albarracinensis Pau; Mentha aromatica Salisb.; Mentha aucheri Pérard; Mentha daghestanica Boriss.; Mentha erinoides Heldr.; Mentha exigua L.; Mentha gibraltarica Willd.; Mentha hirtiflora Opiz ex Heinr.Braun; Mentha montana Lowe ex Benth.; Mentha pulegioides Dumort.; Mentha pulegium f. alba Rainha ……………………………….; Mentha subtomentella Heinr.Braun …; Mentha tomentella Hoffmanns. & Link; Mentha tomentosa Sm. .; Micromeria dalmatica Fenzl [Illegitimate]; Micromeria fenzlii Regel; Micromeria maritima Yild., Sadikoglu & M.Keskin; Minthe pulegia (L.) St.-Lag.; Pulegium aromaticum Gray; Pulegium daghestanicum (Boriss.) Holub; Pulegium erectum Mill.; Pulegium heterophyllum Opiz ex Boenn.; Pulegium micranthum Claus; Pulegium pubescens Opiz ex Boenn.; Pulegium pulegium H.Karst.; Pulegium tomentellum C.Presl ..; Pulegium vulgare Mill. …..; Thymus bidentatus Stokes);



Mentha pulegium from Tapiana near Baramulla, Kashmir: Mentha pulegium L., Sp. Pl. 577. 1753.

syn: Pulegium vulgare Mill.

Common names: European pennyroyal, pennyroyal
Quite distinct from other species by its smaller leaves, calyx with unequal teeth and being villous in throat; perennial herb , densely hairy; leaves oblong-ovate to suborbicular, crenulate to serrulate, up to 2 cm long, decreasing in size upwards; flowers pink or lilac in distant subglobose clusters; calyx with tube densely villous in throat, lobes unequal; corolla tube slender, widening above.
Photographed from Tapiana Sahib in Sialkot near Baramulla, cultivated in beds and pots.
The herb is the source of Pennyroyal oil.

what a prolific bloomer!!

Mentha pulegium L., Sp. Pl. 577. 1753.

syn:  Pulegium vulgare Mill.
Common names: European pennyroyalpennyroyal

Quite distinct from other species by its smaller leaves, calyx with unequal teeth and being villous in throat; perennial herb , densely hairy; leaves oblong-ovate to suborbicular, crenulate to serrulate, up to 2 cm long, decreasing in size upwards; flowers pink or lilac in distant subglobose clusters; calyx with tube densely villous in throat, lobes unequal; corolla tube slender, widening above.

Photographed from Tapiana Sahib in Sialkot near Baramulla, cultivated in beds and pots.
The herb is the source of Pennyroyal oil.

I missed all these beautiful uploads, thanks for showing wonderful plants Sir..

pennyroyal leaves rubbed on skin is also an insect repellent

oil is important ingredient in such ointments, if i remember correctly
