Images by Ranjini Kamath (Identified by Mahadeswara), (Inserted by Bhagyashri Ranade)


Heliconia [ ? ] for ID: Request Bot ID, common name & Family of the flower.
Date/Time – 14-08-11/8.45am
Location – Lalbagh Botanical Garden, Bangalore
Habitat – Garden/Park
Ht – 7′

Heliconia species for sure. Possibly this could be Heliconia wagneriana. There are so many introduced varieties in Heliconia (ornamental) with different shades of colours of the inflorescence and the foliage, one should be cautious while narrowing down to species

Yes this should be Heliconia wagneriana.



Ornamental Heliconia seen on 29th March.

This looks different from the Erect Lobster Claw, Heliconia stricta.
Could be Heliconis wagneriana ‘Rainbow’ as per the following link…..!heliconia wagneriana ‘rainbow’/zoom/c1949/image1ubn 

Pl. see comparative images of Heliconia at efi.
I think matches with images at Google search

You may also check this link :

