Musa rubra Wall. ex Kurz, J. Agric. Soc. India 14: 301 1867. (syn: Musa laterita Cheesman);  
Assam; Bangladesh; China South-Central; Myanmar; Thailand as per Catalogue of Life



Musa ornata : AK : 1 image. 
Musa ornata, commonly called as Ornamental Banana or Bronze Banana.

Picture taken at Gangajal Nursery, Nasik.

.. Niice photo.. and tempting bracts….!!!!
Thank You … for sharing the pic….   

I leave it to the experts to decide.
Another Species, Musa laterita also looks similar.

Musa rubra (M. laterita)

To be corrected in FOI also.  



Fwd: Musa rubra images : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2)- 2 & 5 mb each. 

sending 2 images of Musa rubra, Musaceae, for your validation.
clicked 22/06/2020, Bhbaneswar, Odisha,

though wild, ornamentally planted in gardens

Yes! ID is correct.

It is Musa rubra only. 
