
Alstonia scholaris:
Another massive tree.

Date/Time- May 2012

Location- Dandeli WLS

Habitat- Wild

Plant Habit- Tree

Height/Length- 25-30 meters

Leaves- Simple whorled

Nice!!! never seen such an elongated Alstonia tree….

Alstonia scholaris is saptaparni… am I missing something??
may be just part of the bunch of leaves is shown…
the leaves do not look like saptaparni…
very popular tree in Bengal. Rabi thukur sat under it everyday to meditate and teach… chhatim tola (=under the chhatim ) tree is a a popular sentiment…
your pic Alstonia-scholaris-1.jpg if one could see the original and enlarge the top, may be the leaves could be seen, as is in this small size it gets pixelated when enlarged, I can’t make out the leaf anatomy/arrangement.
Also the bark color and surface morphology looks different from what we see in Bengal.. may be this is due to age or regional difference…
SO we need some tree experts to look at this… and give opinion and in the mean time If you could respond please.

To me, leaves look like that of Alstonia scholaris (see the penninerved venation – lateral nerves at right angle to midrib). See also the attached photo of terminal part of a shoot with whorled leaves intact in case of Alstonia scholaris. But I am also surprised to see such a tall tree with clean bole, if it is Alstonia scholaris !
I wish to see a similar type of photo, as I have taken at the tip of stem with intact leaves, to further ascertain the identity.