Geranium mascatense Boiss., Diagn. Pl. Orient. 1: 59 1843. (Syn: Geranium mascatense var. persicum Pau in Pau & C. Vicioso) as per Catalogue of Life
Common name: Black Eyed Geranium • Nepali:
रगतगेडी Ragatageri  




Sharing pictures of Geranium mascatense, commonly known as Black Eyed Geranium from Muscat, Oman.
These were seen by me after a few showers, in the first week of March,2010.
Not seen through out the year and in the very hot months.
This was seen growing on the rocks, very close to a beach.
Identified from from their Flower gallery.

Excellent pictures 


Annonated checklist of the floweringplants of Nepal (Geranium mascatense Boiss. as syn. of Geranium ocellatum Cambess.)   GRIN 1 (Geranium mascatense Boiss.)  Flora of Pakistan 1 (Geranium mascatense Boiss. with Geranium
ocellatum var. persicum Pau
 as syn.)