Senna splendida (Vogel) H.S.Irwin & Barneby (Syn: Cassia splendida Vogel; Cassia splendida var. angustifolia Benth.);
/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/DSC06159.jpg Would be interested to know the exact month of flowering of these species. I plant my next visit to California in April, 2013 These photos were taken mid-October. Unfortunately, this particular specimen was later butchered by a gardener who did not know what he was doing! Hopefully it can regrow some next year. …………… I have seen this in orange county California as street/landscape tree near new parking lots etc and one at the airport… usually at end of summer or even early fall… seems to be a “new” introduction… This is grown by Monrovia Nursery in Los Angeles County, typically sold as a standard for home landscapes. References: