Dorstenia bahiensis Klotzsch ex Fisch. & C.A.Mey., Index Seminum (LE) 11: 64 1846. (Syn: Dorstenia anthuriifolia S.F.Blake; Dorstenia bahiensis Kl. ex F.E.L. von Fischer & C.A. von Meyer
(ambiguous synonym); Dorstenia cordifolia Mart. ex Miq.; Dorstenia longipes Mart. ex Bureau; Dorstenia martiana Miq.); NE-Brazil (Pernambuco, Bahia), Society Isl. (introduced) (Tahiti) as per Catalogue of Life;
This is Dorstenia of the family Moraceae.
Forwarding your photos to my Moraceae specialist friend … at CNH, Kolkata for species confirmation. He is also a member of eFlora. Looks like Dorstenia bahiensis.
Recently reported as a new record to India by … Waiting to hear from him. Got a reply from my friend today. He confirmed this to be as Dorstenia bahiensis. Family: Moraceae. May I ask about the locality and flowering time of the plant? Did u find this in wild?
here is another from Warsaw Please identify it.
Dorstenia bahiensis References: