

Unid from Ladakh – TQ-Ladakh-03: Small flower from Nubra Valley, Ladakh, at 3100 m.
May or may not be wild. Found flowering in June.
Looks like mustard family.
Please identify.

Looks like Erysimum orientale

I think you are right. The currently accepted name is Conringia orientalis (L.) Dumort.

I was all the time thinking about some species of Brassica, but after your suggestion it looks pretty close. But perhaps we will have to check it critically since it is not reported from Ladakh.

After correct name found out by …, its occurrence in our area perhaps no longer a problem.

After some more detailed analysis I notice that Conringia orientalis has more obovate leaves, as shown in the following links:
Our plant with ovate leaves agrees better with Conringia planisiliqua, which is distributed in Ladakh
Flowers small, about 5 mm across, pale yellow or whitish, often dark-veined” agrees well too.

Yes …, you got it right. And yes now I can see compressed fruits also.
