Capparis spinosa subsp. spinosa var. aegyptia (Lam.) Boissier (1867: 420). C. aegyptia Lamarck (1785: 605). C. spinosa subsp. aegyptia (Lam.) Kit Tan & Runemark in Tan (2002: 114). Lectotype (designated by Inocencio et al. 2006): Egypt. “Lippi a observé ce Caprier en Egypte (v. s. in herb Isn.)” (lectotype P–JU).
C. sinaica Veill. in Duhamel (1801: 144). Lectotype (designated by Rivera et al. 2003b): “T. 112 in Shaw, Cat. Pl. Variis Afr. (1738)”.
C. spinosa var. pubescens Zohary (1960: 53). Type: EGYPT. Galala, 7 December 1944, Davis 8062 (holotype K), syn. nov.
C. spinosa var. aravensis Zohary (1960: 53). Type: ISRAEL. Judaean Desert, Ein Fara, 26 December 1942, Davis 5048 (holotype E,
isotype K).
C. spinosa var. deserti Zohary (1960: 54). C. deserti (Zohary) Täckholm & Boulos (1974: 14). Type: EGYPT. Wadi Nosz, entrance to Wadi
Lehiani (Bir Derheba), 27 March 1944, Davis & Feinbrun 5076–7 (holotype HUJ).
C. zoharyi Inocencio, D. Rivera, Obón & Alcaraz in Inocencio et al. (2006: 145). Type: SPAIN. El Llano del Beal, Murcia, 7 July 1999,
Inocencio 42689 (holotype UMH, paratypes Inocencio & Alcaraz 70102, 70103, 48689, K, E, MO), syn. nov.
C. hierosolymitana Danin (2010: 181). Type: Israel. Jerusalem, walls facing west of Old Jerusalem, 27 July 1999, [Danin] (holotype
HUJ, isotypes E, B, PAL, K), syn. nov.
Distribution:—Greece, Turkey, Lebanon, Syria, Israel, Jordan, Egypt, Libya, Algeria, Morocco, Saudi Arabia and Yemen (Fig. 2). Also recorded in Iran, Afghanistan, Tunisia and Qatar (Zohary 1960, Maire 1965, Elamin 1983,Le Floc’h et al. 2010) as per A taxonomic revision of the Capparis spinosa group (Capparaceae) from the Mediterraneanto Central Asia Phytotaxa 174 (1): 001–024 (2014) by SILVIO FICI
Crete, East Aegaean Isl., Lebanon, Egypt (Eastern Desert, SE-Egypt), Iran (S-Iran), Iraq (S-Iraq, W-Iraq: Desert), Israel (Rift Valley), Jordania (S-Jordania), Kuwait, Oman (Dhofar, Mascat & Oman), Saudi Arabia (C-Saudi Arabia, NE-Saudi Arabia, Hejaz, Nejd Desert), Sinai peninsula (C-Sinai, N-Sinai, S-Sinai), Yemen (coastal Hadhramaut, SW-Yemen, W-Yemen), United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Iran, Afghanistan, Seychelles, Somalia, Ethiopia, Djibouti, Sudan, Kenya, Tanzania, Socotra, N-Chad, India (Gujarat), Pakistan (Sind, Baluchistan, Karachi), Libya, Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia as per Catalogue of Life;


Sharing pictures of Capparis cartilaginea from Muscat, Oman.

Found on mountain slopes and rocks.

One of the picture shows an open fruit.

Thanks for sharing … This is new addition to my database. I think it is also found in India.

Capparis spinosa subsp. spinosa var. aegyptia as per details herein.

I am enclosing some clips since I am still confused !

Pl. check latest publication references at my given efi page.



I found these small plants earlier this year in Muscat, purple in color growing on rocks which have been cut recently to make a road.

Have seen these only in a small patch of rocks, nowhere else.
As they grow, the leaves are slowly turning green.

Can our experts help me in identifying this species of caper?

This may also be of Capparis cartilaginea. Not sure but…

Yes i also agree with … This species also found in the Kachchh-Gujarat



Caper for ID : 160111 : AK-2: Again taken on mountain slopes in August, 09. These are like small bushes.
Pictures taken in Muscat, Oman.

– It somewhat resembles (not exactly though) Capparis sinaica.…

– You are quite quite close.

Capparis spinosa subsp. spinosa var. aegyptia as per details herein.


