
[EfloraIndia_261212_Dendrobium formosum_Flora of Odisha]:
please find the image of dendrobium formosum taken from Ranpur. To see how it looks when u just changed the background of the image, i did an experiment…….. with photo sop.

Name: dendrobium formosum
Family: Orchidaceae
Place of collection: Ranpur
Habit: Epiphyte
habitat: wild

It is Chote (Rather Chhote) Bhootnaashan Jadi for our Traditional Healers. Added as important ingredient in Beeja (Pterocarpus marsupium) based Formulations.
It is present in checklist of Jharkhand orchids published by Dr. Sahani.

Here are the articles. The first one also has images for all Dendrobiums from Jharkhand. Hope you will like the illustrations too.
It took me 6 months to prepare just the illustrations.


Thanks … for being so prompt and being so cooperative…
The pictures are well done.. even for those early days.. good show…
Why does one choose that dense blue for the kernel pictorial representation… to a medical researcher like me it sort of looks like en enzymatic essay in blue dyed agar plate… took me a while to realize that it was computer generated graphics representation of clusters ! isn’t there some other way to depict the clusters… where the boundary of each circle is clearly demarcated??
too late for these papers , but something to think about…

Early days :(, I am still young and dashing :P….
The main colour of the kernel could be black or blue or green or red.
I liked blue. There are three ways to show the clusters, either by marking it on the graph by hand, or using the outline for each, or the way it is shown in the article. Using the outline or by hand looked very artificial. This image is generated from the software and it shows multiple shades. representing different confidential intervals.

Please find the image attached.

I understand… but those who developed the program may wish to update it… by making the circles (boundary lines) of the kernel a little more obvious …
I dont use this program otherwise I would have nagged them…
you being young and dashing 🙂 can still do it!!!

dendrobium formosum:
dendrobium formosum
havelock, andaman islands
three weeks ago (Posted on 26.1.13)

Nice pics sir, thanks for sharing….. its interesting sir, in Assam… it is flowering in June – July…..

beautiful orchid. Reminded me of my phd days when I saw this in Jharkhand for the first time. It was on a thick Sal branch around 20m high from ground. And I was very much amazed by the size of the flower. I was looking from ground so wasnt able to confirm what species it was. Me and my two assistants tried a lot but we failed to reach the plant. I was very much disappointed. We searched for other individuals of this plant around for nearly 6 hours and got tired. At around 4 pm we cam across a small hill and decided to go back to the base camp.

I was standing along a huge Sal tree and my assistants moved ahead. They turned around at me to call me and I was like, OH TOMORROW WE WILL COME AGAIN TO SEARCH FOR IT. And one of my driver cum assistant came running towards me. I asked what happened? and he said, “oh cant you see?”, I said, “what?”. He started laughing. Then I looked at my right hand on the truck, made a circle around it and found this plant in full flower just at the height of my chest on the other side of the trunk!!!
I had the biggest blush on my face. Its was so close ….. that I could lick it :)).
I took pics and left the plant there, taking one flower. But next day we found a lot of it and then finally we took one plant back to the orchidarium. Later I found this in some other localities also, but comparatively this seems to have become rare these days. I found one plant as close at around 40 kms from the main town of Ranchi. Its very pretty, bright and most probably biggest Dendrobium flowers I have ever seen in wild. Next year, this plant flowered in my garden.
But yeah, I was authorized to collect by MoEF so I did as a part of the project. Others should avoid collections of such rare beauties. My collections are now partly at Dehradun with the Forest Department people and mostly at TBGRI, Trivandrum.
Here are some of my illustrations of this Orchid.
Hope you will like them.

Beautiful pictures … interesting story … with very beautiful illustrations…

Thank you for the lovely illustrations. I was lucky wth these flowers, they had fallen on the forest floor.

WONDERFUL STORY OF “search and you shall find” kind…
is this now part of your publications?
what is you fig number 3?


Orchidaceae fortnight dendrobium formosum : Attachments (2). 5 posts by 4 authors.
dendrobium formosum
havelock island, andamans

Yes this is Dendrobium formosum. Most likely, one of the biggest Dendrobiums from India


MS June,2016/02 Dendrobim sp. ? for ID : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1)
Location : Bualte, Mizoram
Date : 12/05/2016

Habit : Epiphytic orchid
Habitat : Both wild and cultivated

Dendrobium formosum Roxb. ex Lindl.

Yes this is Dendrobium formosum. One of the largest flower bearing Dendrobium in India I assume.
Thanks a lot for sharing.

Dendrobium formusum…………….


MS Oct.2016/25 Orchidaceae (Papilionanthe ?) for ID : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1)

Location : Aibawk, Mizoram
Date : 17-05-2010

Habit : Epiphytic orchid
Habitat : Wild & cultivated

No sir. This is Dendrobium formosum. Flowers are not coming from those cylindric stem but there is another plant behind the flower and of course a Dendrobium. Thanks a lot for sharing.


Dendrobium formosum Roxb. ex Lindl.: 6 very high res. images.

Location: Nuwakot, Nepal
Date: 13 June 2024
Altitude: 815m.
Habitat : Wild

Lovely Dendrobium formosum.

Thank you … though I could not get close ups !

Very typical habit. At first when I saw the plant in central India they were high up on the trees. My height-adjustable 10m pole couldn’t reach the plants. After 4 hours of hike on the mountain slopes, I came to an area where the plants were growing at my nose height on Sal trees and blooming!!!

Lucky you. Mine were too high !



