Psychotria glandulosa (Dennst.) Suresh, Interpret. Rheede’s Hort. Malab. 229 1988. (Syn: Baldingera glandulosa Dennst.);
S. India, Sri Lanka as per WCSP;
Psychotria glandulosa (Dennst.) Suresh in Nicolson et al. (Rubiaceae): Sharing the images of Psychotria glandulosa (Dennst.) Suresh in Nicolson et al. (Rubiaceae)
Syn: Baldingera glandulosa Dennst.
Description: Shrubs. Leaves 7-10 x 4-6 cm, obovate, apex obtusely acute, nerves 12-15 pairs, 5 mm apart, parallel, nervules reticulate, domatia glandular; petiole 1 cm long; stipule ovate, acute, rufous hairy inside. Cymes 5-7 x 1-1.5 cm, hispid. Flowers 7 mm long, grouped; calyx 2 mm long, lobes ovate, acuminate, ciliate; corolla tube 4 mm long, broadly villous inside, lobes 5, ovate, acute. Drupe 6 x 5 mm, globose, glabrous.
Phenology: April-August
Habitat: Evergreen forests
Distribution: South India & Bangladesh
Photo taken from Kurichiarmala, Wayanad, Kerala
Descriptions from Sasidharan (2012)
Psychotria nervosa Sw : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (3)
Psychotria nervosa Sw,(=Psychotria elongata Benth.)
wild shrub from shola area of Kothagiri, Nilgiris, Tamilnadu
Appears close to images at Psychotria glandulosa
Psychotria octosulcata Talbot/a new species P. gopalanii is also looking close …
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