Unidentified 5;


Bogor Botanical Gardens – Plants:  A tree with red cauliflowers or fruits. Location: Bogor Botanical Gardens. ID is requested. Thank you.


Bogor Botanical Gardens – 2: We need the ID of the small tree from Bogor please. Thank you.

Miconia calvescens DC. ??

Can not say as per


Habitat: sloping meadow
Habit: small herb, about 30 cm high; flower about 5 – 7 mm across (not sure)
… this was the only plant. Not sure whether the flower has already lost its prime.

Looks like the petals have fallen off. The red one must be the lobed stigma. No idea about identity.

There are two flowers. One partially open and one full open. As … has suggested the petals have fallen or there are only tepals.

Yes, now I see.


Seeds for ID 220812 NB1: Hallo, here the last from my collection.
Thanks to all who have answered me so far.


Lily for ID: http://www.flickr.com/photos/satyendraphotography/6889252786/in/photostream

This lily is growing in our garden at Tala, Umariya.
It does not have any kind of leaves at present.
A single stem holds a flower.
Flower about 5 inches across.

May I request you to please help in ID this flower.


Grass for ID: SPC-009: Please help to identify this white spotted grass cultivated in an urban garden.

Pl. post photo of the inflorescence

It was not flowering so I don’t have any pictures. I thought the white spots were peculiar and I posted it here. I will keep a watch and post the inflorescence when it flowers.


Habitat: along forest trail on mountain slope
Habit: herb, about 1 m high; flower about 2 – 3 mm across

It is the same plant as discussed in … post as below:

Initial Id of Prenanthes violaefolia (now Cicerbita violaefolia) was not accepted.


Lajvanti seeds-botanical name:

What are the probable botanical names for Lajvanti as is known in trade. The seeds of Lajvanti are exported and mainly it is collected from Wada region of Thane, Maharashtra and Baroda, Gujrat.
As far as I know Mimosa Pudica is also known by Lajvanti. But supplier says its different spiny plant grows in marshy places. Seeds are like mustard seeds, brownish, smooth.

Can anybody throw some light on this.

Another match for Lajvanti I found in efi site is Biophytum sensitivum (L.) DC., as per link:




Garden Flowers for ID : 141011 : AK-2: A garden plant with bright yellow flowers taken at Pahalgam on the 7th of Sept,11.

Kindly id.

The centre of these flowers also resembles Rudbeckia hirta, posted by me earlier.

Kindly check and confirm please.

Leaves look different as also central disc

I found one more picture of the same.
This is still unidentified.
Hope this picture helps in finding the correct id.

This picture also taken in Pahalgam same time.


Request for ID GD 220912: Please help me identify a climber at my native place. I don’t have any photo, but here are the details I can offer.
1. It is an ornamental climber.
2. It grows very fast and spreads all over the walls etc.
3. The flowers look like the flowers of Ipomoea carnea in color and overall shape.
4. It attracts many beetles like Mylabris pustulata and its kind.
5. I don’t have a photographs as I haven’t been to my village in many days, but it overall looks like this
(sorry, I know we don’t accept external photo links)!



Kas Week : ID PL: This was clicked in Sept. ’11 at Kaas
Needs help for ID Pl.


Procumbent herb of sand dune:  flat herb lying on the ground. Id is requested. No flower is seen.


Silvery Leaves: Could you help me id our shrub please. Flowers not seen. Thank you.