Dendrobium nanum Hook.f., Hooker’s Icon. Pl. 19: t. 1853 1889. (Syn: Callista nana (Hook.f.) Kuntze; Dendrobium mabelae Gammie);


Flora Picture of the Year 2011 – Satish Phadke: Flower hunting with … is always memorable.
We were wandering in the forests of Mahabaleshwar to find some Oberonia species as that was its flowering time.
Suddenly I spotted some white orchid flowers on a tree which was at a distance. This turned out to be Dendrobium mabelae which was first time for me though he had photographed it sometime back in 2007-08 with his old camera.
We had to struggle a lot to reach the tree with thick tall grass all around, some climbing and other adjustments to take good photographs. Some leeches and ticks bit us which was evident little later. But the new find made my day.

You know …, climbing on high trees is the fun of flora photographing and if fallen down that is additional bonus. I was awarded this bonus once at Matheran for photographing Anjani flower.


Orchidaceae fortnight :: Dendrobium mabalei SMP 13 : 2 images. 7 posts by 5 authors.
Dendrobium mabalei

Wonderful Dendrobium mabelae. Thanks so much for sharing.

Sorry for the wrong spelling. It should be according to a sentence from The Plant List which says but I am not sure about it Dendrobium mabelae Gammie is a synonym of Dendrobium nanum Hook.f.


Submitting few images of an orchid for Id assistance.
Date/time: 14-08-2014/about 4-00 PM
Location: Seethalaiyanagiri, on the way to Mullaiyanagiri, Chikmagalur, Karnataka, about 1700msl
Habitat: Wild
Habit; Epiphytic

Dendrobium nanum Hook.f.
Endemic to Western Ghats India & Sri Lanka

Submitting images of a specimen of an epiphytic orchid for identification.
Date/time: 18-06-2015/ about 4-00 PM
Location: Mulliayanagiri, Chikmagalur, Karnataka, about 1700msl
Habitat: Wild, shola forests
Habit; An epiphytic Orchid 

Dendrobium nanum?

Dendrobium nanum Hook.f.


TSPSEP2015-3: Images of Dendrobium nanum shared : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (6)

It’s my pleasure to share a few images of this epiphytic orchid, Dendrobium nanum
Habit: Herb
Habitat: Epiphytic, Growing on moss clad stunted trees in a Shola forest.
Sighting: Mullaianagiri, Chikmagalur, Karnataka, about 1700 msl
Date: 18-6-2015, 24-6-2015 and 28-6-2015

Does look like Dendrobium nanum. For small Dendrobiums, its good to take a pic of spread up labellum.

 Images by tspkumar

TSP-OCT2016-12-449-Dendrobium nanum (Orchidaceae) : 7 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (5)

Presenting few images of Dendrobium nanum (Orchidaceae 


Habitat:Wild,epiphytic,shola forest 

Sighting:Near Chikmagalur,Karnataka,about 1700 msl 

Date:06-08-2016,10-08-2016 and 18-10-2016

Yes this also looks like Dendrobium nanum. Better to show a good pic of spread up lip. Thanks a lot for sharing.

Thanks … This one is another image of  D.nanum that I missed uploading in the first batch. Attachments (1)

Very beautiful…fourth one most beautiful of all !!


Wild Orchid From Hulikal: I came across this orchid growing on a mossy Croton bush in Hulikal.. the flowers were very small, about the size of a fingernail. there were pseudobulbs too. id please?

Dendrobium nanum?? i guess

I am actually confused about Dendrobium microbulbon and Dendrobium nanum.
Dont know how to differentiate

This is what I found out from Orchids of Nilgiris by J. Joseph, p 133, t. 69
Rhizomes zigzag; bracts much smaller than pedicel; mentum long (up to 9mm), subcylindric, projecting forward; lip attached to the foot of the column up to a short distance from the tip: DENDROBIUM NANUM
Rhizomes straight; bracts subequal with the pedicel and ovary; mentums hort (ca 5mm), saccate; lip attached to the tip of the foot of the column; midlobe of the lip obscurely crenulate: DENDROBUM MICROBULBON.

Could be Dendrobium microbulbon than D. nanum.
Pictures provided are not conclusive. Need more flower close up pictures to confirm the id, I think.

Ok Karnataka. I think this is Dendrobium nanum. Not easy to confirm from these pics, but not microbulbon.


508-TSP-10APR2021-1-Dendrobium nanum @ Mullaianagiri: 1 high resolution image.
Presenting an up-close image of  Dendrobium nanum, Orchidaceae
Habitat:Wild,epiphytic, shola forest
Sighting:Mullaianagiri,Chikmagalur,Karnataka about 1700 msl

Yes looks like Dendrobium nanum.

Flora of Chamarajanagar_ID_Please_06092021 PK1- 1: 2 images.
Segregating clubbed posts due to sam subject:

is it Dendrobium nanum?
Flora of Date/Time-:25/08/2021   –    09:30
Location- Place, Altitude -Chamarajanagar, Karnataka,
Habitat- Garden/ Urban/ Wild/ Type-   wild
Habit- Tree/ Shrub/ Climber/ Herb-  Orchid
Length- 6 inches,
size of flower 6 mm across,

This looks like Dendrobium nanum to me.

