Carex cruenta Nees, Contr. Bot. India 128 1834. (Syn: Carex heterolepis Boeckeler [Illegitimate]); . KAR-eks — classic Latin name … Dave’s Botanary kroo-EN-tuh — bloody, gory colors … Dave’s Botanary . commonly known as: blood-coloured sedge . Distribution: Himalayas (s China, Pakistan, India, Nepal, Sikkim) . Poaceae, Cyperaceae and Juncaceae Week :: Cyperaceae » Carex cruenta along Hemakund – Ghangaria trail :: 03 AUG 12 – 0101 :: DV01 : 2 images. 5 posts by 4 authors. Cyperaceae Carex cruenta Nees KAR-eks — classic Latin name … Dave’s Botanary kroo-EN-tuh — bloody, gory colors … Dave’s Botanary commonly known as: blood-coloured sedge Distribution: Himalayas (s China, Pakistan, India, Nepal, Sikkim) References: Flora of China • Flora of Pakistan along Hemakund – Ghangaria trail on 03 AUG 12 Nice Photo Sir. I have this species and I will upload it soon. . Carex cruenta Nees … (family: Cyperaceae) 3 AUG 12 . Poaceae, Cyperaceae and Juncaceae Week: Grass for ID from Paddar valley 002: Attachments (2). 3 posts by 2 authors. Kindly Identify this species Location: Paddar valley J&K Altitude: 4000-5000 m asl Date: 8th August 2011 Carex sp. Cyperaceae Carex is a large and difficult genus. I photographed 3 Carex in my own village in the UK this year and have only, so far, been able to name one of them. There is a guide to Carex published by the BSBI which I had a copy of at one time but was damaged and discarded; I do not currently have the budget to by an up-dated version. Without it I will struggle (with help) to name the other two. In the UK we are blessed with The Botanical Society of the British Isles (BSBI) which has a Panel of Referees and Specialists available to have material sent to them to identify. There are a number of specialists available to accept specimens (either pressed and dried or in some cases fresh) with certain ones with particular expertise in particular groups or aggregates. In all cases mature fruits and underground parts should be sent. I doubt if many of them would be able or willing to attempt to name specimens on the basis of photos alone particular those not of greater close-ups or mature fruits than shown in these images. As to the suggestion of Carex cruenta. Stewart lists this as common in N.Pakistan and Kashmir @ 2400-4200m on high passes and meadows so that tallies. Needs further inspection. . Wild Grass captured on 13/8/10 during the trek from Ghangaria (around 11,000 ft.) to Hemkunt Sahib (around 14000 ft.). it is not a grass but some cyperaceae member Could it be some Luzula?? Luzula spicata? Luzula spicata Thanks, … A link for pictures of Luzula spicata: Can it be Carex cruenta Nees as per the illustration at This is neither a grass (family Poaceae, previously Gramineae) nor a Luzula (family Juncaceae). Luzula spicata is common on high meadows and passes in Kashmir @ 3900-5200m but the plant photographed above is certainly not this. See a pressed specimen collected by Jacquemont preserved at Kew: There are a number of images of this species (known as the ‘Spiked Woodrush’ in the UK on the internet such as: Link from New England. Cannot find any records of it being found in Uttarakhand or Nepal. It appears to be a sedge to me (family Cyperaceae) with the suggestion of C.cruenta being worth checking out further – the images of the herbarium specimens at Kew seem similar to this. Stewart recorded this as common on high passes and meadows in Kashmir @ 2400-4200m including Ladakh, so I have an additional reason to look into this further, which I shall do so. It is recorded from Kashmir to Sikikim (and Tibet) @ 4000-5600m. The images are not in close-up, so if there are closely-related sedges then we may not be able to tell them apart with confidence (Carex is a large and difficult genus). However, the habit of the plant is clear enough. I have just checked the Edinburgh Herbarium site. This has a number of images of this species- with the considerable advantage over the Kew Herbarium site that the scans are of much higher resolution, so provided one downloads the TIFF images at high resolution, one can zoom in to see much closer. The problem now is that the photos above do not show close-up of the spikelets so one cannot match with confidence. The specimens at Edinburgh are certainly close to the plant photographed but I cannot identify with certainty. Perhaps a Carex specialist can? See: Link. What a pity more herbaria do not scan in specimens at higher resolutions. But one must be understanding and patient as establishments like Kew have millions of specimens and only a small number of staff available to undertake the scanning. But it has to be said that low resolution scans are of strictly limited value. The greater the detail which can be seen, the better the understanding of species and genera. The same applies to photos – the more close-ups, in focus, the more information which is provided (as along as different parts of the part are photographed), though images of the overall habit and habit of a plant are of use/valuable. . Altitude 2100 mt Habit grass Habitat wild I think it is sedge and not a grass Its a grass, but it difficult to id with these photos pictures are not clear Carex cruenta – Cyperaceae
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Carex cruenta
Updated on December 24, 2024