Selinum vaginatum C.B.Clarke, Fl. Brit. India 2: 700 1879. (Syn: Cortia vaginata Edgew.);
India (W-Himalaya), Pakistan (Swat, Hazara), Jammu & Kashmir (Kashmir) as per Catalogue of Life;
Common name: Bhutkeshi • Hindi: Bhutberi, भूतकेशी Bhutkeshi, Mathosla
Perennial herb with bipinnate leaves with lanceolate to ovate pinnatifid segments, prominent leaf sheath; involucre bracts 1-2 or lacking, linear; rays up to 30 with up to 12 pinnate involucel bracts longer than rays; fruit 5 mm long, 2 mm broad with winged ridges.  


VoF Week :: DV :: 02 AUG 12 – 1244 :: Vicatia-like plant at Valley of Flowers:  2 AUG 12
Valley of Flowers about 11000 – 12000 ft

Habitat: sloping meadow
Habit: erect herb, about 1 m high; inflorescence about 4 – 6 inches across; flower about 2 – 2.5 mm across

I hope Selinum sp.

Many thanks … for the ID.
Was hesitant because the green leafy bract-like structure in this plant extends much more than found in another sighting … … do the extent vary ?

Thanks … for this notification; revised the labels in flickr accordingly.


Apiaceae Fortnight: Selinum vaginatum from Kashmir-GSJUNE31/40 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (3)

Selinum vaginatum (Edgew.) C.B. Clarke in Hook. f., Fl. Brit. Ind. 2: 700. 1879.

Perennial herb with bipinnate leaves with lanceolate to ovate pinnatifid segments, prominent leaf sheath; involucre bracts 1-2 or lacking, linear; rays up to 30 with up to 12 pinnate involucel bracts longer than rays; fruit 5 mm long, 2 mm broad with winged ridges.
Photographed from Herbal garden, Srinagar Kashmir on June 4, 2012

It looks different from Selinum vaginatum C.B.Clarke as per thread by … at VOF Week: Apiaceae sp– Selinum??? from VOF
Keys are available at Flora of Pakistan

Selinum vaginatum is very distinct in pinnate bractlets which are clearly visible in my images.

It is rather reverse: mine and … with pinnate bractlets S. vaginatum, … with simple white margined bractlets S. wallichianum.


Apiaceae Member for id from Hatu Peak Narkanda
Shot at height of about 3200 mts
Id Pls 

To me it seems to be Selinum coniifolium (= S. tenuifolium

Can this be Selinum wallichianum?

Means Selinum for Sure.

Selinum species so far in efi

I think close to images at Selinum wallichianum (DC.) Raizada & H.O. Saxena by …

It should be Selinum vaginatum as per feedback received from … in another thread.



ID Please ATDEC2017/07 : 9 posts by 3 authors. 1 correct image.

Kindly identify this Apiaceae member
Hatoo, Narkanda (Shimla)
Octoner 2017

I hope Trachydium roylei 

Sir, plants were 2-3 feet high, while they are less than 1 feet in Trachydium roylei.

Oh! Sorry. I think, I have mixed two specimens in this post. First photograph is different.   

Thank you, … for igniting my urge to explore more on this. Now, I think, first photograph is of Selinum vaginatum.

Second and third appears to be Selinum tenuifolium.

Kindly through some light, wether my opinion is right or wrong? 

Pl. check at 

Yes …, you are right about first image
Second and third can’t be wallichianum as bractlets are dissected (clearly seen in second) not entire.

please help me to identify the following species
Species for Identification – 
location – Deothachi, Mandi District, Himachal Pradesh  
Altitude- 2800-3200m 

Apiaceae ?  

… as for previous image, I repeat it is always much more difficult and time-consuming to reliably identify a plant when there is only a single image and there is insufficient close-up detail of floral parts and foliage.  Some species within a genus can be distinctive enough and readily matched but it is always useful to have “supporting evidence”.  PLEASE, on future occasions take and submit many more images per specimen, in good focus and close-up – if you refer to my web-site on the flora of the NW Himalaya (see: this will offer extensive advice; do look through the whole site but first see the images taken of Impatiens glandulifera showing much greater detail, obtained using a modest compact digital camera.As you can see, the images provide vastly more information – which I view as “clues”, the equivalent to pieces in a jig-saw puzzle.  The more pieces, which one can view clearly, the easier it is to arrive at an identification and the greater confidence one has in it.  Otherwise one can readily end up with a misidentification.  Too many data-bases, whether digital or old-fashioned printed ones, just with text or pictures, are littered with misidentified plants, which contributes to confusion and misleads.
The photo above is definitely a member of the Apiaceae family (previously known as Umbelliferae).  This is a difficult family identification-wise, especially when detail is missing or the specimens are immature – at times mature fruits can be required to confirm an identification.  Much more study of this family is required.  Your single images fail to reveal important characteristics of the flowers and bracts plus one cannot tell what the lower leaves are like.  I do not currently have the time, nor can justify the time, trying to work out which genus it belongs to.  Perhaps other members of the group can?  At first glance it seems distinctive.  What seem to be Potentilla foliage is covering the base – it is important to examine the base/lower leaves of a plant and work out, at the time, which these are, so there is
not any confusion.  On quite a number of occasions I have seen posts on the efI data-base with comments showing that confusion had arisen as to which leaves
belonged to the flower photographed.  PLEASE photograph close-up, in good focus, much more detail incl. “undersides”.

Please check in Selinum (Apiaceae).

Pl. check 

Thank u … it will be Selinum vaginatum

I think more closer to images at Selinum wallichianum (DC.) Raizada & H.O. Saxena
Do you have any other images ?



yes Sir, i am sending other pic of d species 1 image- 2 MB.

On further scrutiny, I find you are right. It is Selinum vaginatum only as per images herein.




VOF Week: Apiaceae sp– Selinum??? from VOF: This Apiaceae herb was looking very attractive, stout and healthy. Could this be Selinum vaginatum ??

Agreed on Selinum vaginatum

Selinum wallichianum (DC.) Raizada & H.O. Saxena as per feedback received from … in another thread

I think it should be Selinum vaginatum C.B.Clarke only as per images, details and references herein. 

bhut keshi. very nice images.

including the stipules hugging the flowerhead stalk?
