Euonymus fimbriatus Wall., Fl. Ind. 2: 408 1824. (Syn: Euonymus fimbriatus var. serratus Blakelock; Euonymus lacerus Buch.-Ham. ex D.Don; Euonymus micranthus D.Don);
Euonymus fimbriatus from the way to Ghangriya
pls validate
Yes … Nice photographs.
Celastraceae and Sapindaceae Fortnight:: Celastraceae: Euonymus sp. from Himachal Pradesh-GSG02 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1).
Celastraceae and Sapindaceae Fortnight:: Celastraceae: Euonymus sp. from Himachal Pradesh-GSG04 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1).
Euonymus lacerus from Kullu district
I hope E. lacerus Buch.-Ham. is synonym of E. fimbriatus Wall. CELASTRACEAE FORTNIGHT 1-14Jan2014: Euonymous fimbriatus from Uttarakhand_DSR 02 : Attachments (1). 1 post by 1 author.
Euonymous fimbriatus Wall. ex Roxb. is a temperate and alpine small tree reaching up to 4000m altitude in the Himalaya.
Photographed in Sunderdhunga valley, Bageshwar district, Uttarakhand.
Celastraceae and Sapindaceae Fortnight:: Celastraceae: Euonymus fimbriatus from VOF-NS 03 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (5).
This small tree was shot from Gobind Ghat-Ghanghariya trek during VOF tour..
Euonymus fimbriatus Wall.
Perhaps this is rightly identified..
To me it appears similar to the same plant posted by … & … at first glance
A medium size tree ound after Phulna village towards Gangharia : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1) – 3 MB
A medium size tree ound after Phulna village towards Gangharia