Geranium himalayense Klotzsch, Ergebn. Reise Waldemar 122 1862. (Syn: Geranium grandiflorum Edgew. [Illegitimate]; Geranium meeboldii Briq.);


Fwd: Geranium himalayense in cultivation in Kohli Memorial Botanical Garden, UK : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (11)

Here with 11 images of late flowering example of what I consider to be Geranium himalayense for comparison purposes.
One always must be aware that there is the risk of hybridisation in cultivated plants especially with a geraniums which are prone to cross – and there are other species in the garden.
The main flowering took place during the summer.

Balsaminaceae, Geraniaceae and Oxalidaceae Week: Geraniaceae- Geranium himalayense from Kashmir-GS-37 : 5 images. 2 posts by 2 authors.
Geranium himalayense Kllotzsch
Large-flowered Himalayan species somewhat similar to G. pratense but with wedge-shaped segments, larger purple to pink flowers with 20-28 mm long petals and longer fruits 4-4.5 cm long.
Photographed from Kashmir

I am loving all the leaf photographs too. Each with unique shape and pattern of lobes.

This is not Geranium himalayense. I will need time to suggest which species this is. The geraniums of this region have not been well understood. Geranium is found in the region, especially in Ladakh, where it is common in irrigated areas. There are a number of Geraniums in the region I am uncertain about.  Entirely possible some new species will be recognised in the years to come.  I am currently looking into Primulaceae on eFI specifically Androsaces but will go through Geraniaceae when I can.  Was prompted to take a quick look at entries as was sent an image photographed in Ladakh which was thought to be Geranium himalayense but is the dwarf Geranium regelii (in the past this species was not recorded from Ladakh and remains poorly understood).
Geraniums are not easy. A pity that Peter Yeo, formerly of the University of Cambridge Botanic Garden is now longer alive as he specialised in this genus. May I quote from a letter he wrote to me about two confusing colonies of Geraniums I have observed at Patseo in Lahoul (just before one reaches the route up to the Baralacha La en route to Leh from Manali). His thinking was that there were two genetically and ecologically different populations (only some 50 metres apart in places) but the similarities suggest that they have a local common ancestor. He felt it was reasonable to use the name Geranium regelii for the dwarf scree plant. He considered taller plant growing nearby probably comes within Geranium pratense sensu lato (in the broad sense). Complicated….

Further to my posting on 12th November. This is a totally different geranium to the photographed in VOF (see above posting).
I currently cannot put a firm name on this – shall comment further in due course. Further to my recent post about photographing Geraniums.
I do not think this comes within the G.collinum-pratense-himalayense alliance/complex. Kashmir is graced with quite a number of poorly-known geraniums.
Let me try to explain.  In the Notes Yeo supplied me, he draws attention to the problematical G.collinum-pratense-himalayense alliance.  He considered this was particularly critical in the NW Himalaya with high quality pressed specimens needed (nowadays these can be supplemented and sometimes replaced by high quality digital images (provided the advice given below is followed).  This alliance has pink to blue flowers (sometimes white) in which the stamen-tip and stigmas are never blackish-purple…

Thanks … I have original full resolution photographs of this plant, and few others. If you want me to crop and enlarge any, please let me know.

Would be useful to view any additional images of Geraniums you have from the Himalaya but please digest my comments and additional images and information I have been posting.

I guess Geranium himalayense Klotzsch is the correct ID !

From where exactly did you identify it.
Images by … at Geranium himalayense look different.
In pursuing GBIF specimens and images, I could not decide.
There are two specimens from India in GBIF determined by Yeo and Aedo, as below:
api.gbif 1.jpg
api.gbif 2.jpeg

I never doubted it.


Geranium himalayense?- Hunder, Nubra, Ladakh: 17 images- 10 high res.
In the wild area of a hotel, in Hunder, in Nubra, Ladakh, on 16.6.22.

Out of the four species listed in the Checklist of Ladakh by Klimes, It appears close to
Geranium himalayense Klotzsch (syn: Geranium regelii Nevski as per POWO) as per description in Flora of Pakistan and FoP illustration.
Pl. confirm or otherwise.

Looks good!


HP, August 2022 :: Geranium himalayense :: ARK2022-183: 3 high res. images.
This was at Deepak taal, Himachal Pradesh in August 2022
I assume this to be Geranium himalayense.
Requested to please validate

Yes, possible as per images at Geranium himalayense Klotzsch

Agree !


