Kas week : Eriocaulon stellulatum SMP: Eriocaulon stellulatum
Family : Eriocaulaceae




eriocaulon stellutum, for validation:  eriocaulon stellutum hopefully

at mahabeleshwar
a few weeks ago

Yes it is.



Kas week:: PKA39::- Eriocaulon stellulatum??: 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2).

Could this herb be Eriocaulon stellulatum?? (Family: Eriocaulaceae).

I think yes.



Satara, MH :: Eriocaulon stellulatum for validation :: ARK2020-010 : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1)- 1 mb. 

Seen this Eriocaulon at the Sadawaghapur plateau near Satara. MH in October 2019.
They resemble E. stellulatum in efi.
Requested to please validate.

Yes …

Yes, Eriocaulon stellulatum from me too.
