Lepidagathis prostrata Dalzell (Unresolved), Hooker’s J. Bot. Kew Gard. Misc. 2: 138 1850. ;


attaching images of Lepidagathis bandransis from Nasik for sharing

Images are not clear. Do you have side view of the flower ?

Are the leaves of the same plant ?
Images at FOI look different.
Pl. see it matches the neotype at link.

Yes … the leaves and the flowers are of the same plants as for more images i will send with in few days

mean while some older pics. Attachments (3)

Can it be Lepidagathis clavata as per GBIF.- specimen 1 and specimen 2, though I am doubtful?

It is Lepidagathis trinervis

Thanks, … I think looks different from images at Lepidagathis trinervis Nees and as per GBIF– specimen
I think it is closer to L.prostrata as per GBIF– specimen

It is Lepidagathis trinervis

But I am not satisfied with these images being Lepidagathis trinervis Nees as per images herein and as per GBIF

