Lepismium lorentzianum ?

Lepismium lorentzianum (Griseb.) Barthlott, Bradleya 5: 99 (1987) (syn: Rhipsalis lorentziana Griseb.; Nothorhipsalis lorentziana (Griseb.) Doweld);

Succulent from Hortus Botanicus Leiden: Could you help me to ID the following hanging plant please.

Probably some species of Bryophyllum but I not very sure

Could this be a species of Christmas or Claw cactus? Are the round objects fruits? In Christmas or Claw cacti flowers are usually apical.

I think this looks like a Cactaceae, may be some species of Epiphyllum.

This is a Cactaceae and most probably some species of Lepismium.

Thanks … It does look like Lepismium from the web photos.

NOT christmas cactus of any variety for sure… though I am not sure what it is… I only know what its not…

Lepismium lorentzianum (Griseb.) Barthlott ??

Updated on December 24, 2024