Glycyrrhiza yunnanensis (Cultivated)

Glycyrrhiza yunnanensis P.C.Li; 
China (N) as per ILDIS;



03072011GS1 for ID from Herbal Garden, Srinagar: 10 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2)
This shrubby plant up to 2 m tall with pinnate leaves and echinate fruits was growing in Herbal Garden below Cheshma Shahi, Srinagar, Kashmir.
It is locally known as SHANGRILLA ans supposed to be used in making tea. Pl help in Id

Leaves remind me of one of the Glycerrhiza?
and the seedpod : may be even G. glabra itself

Sorry … for having ignored your valuable lead, primarily because Glycyrrhiza glabra you suggested I had seen in Delhi and it had different inflorescence and glabrous fruits.

Yesterday I uploaded it in Daves Garden forum, where again Glycyrrhiza lepidota or G. glabra was suggested. Both have inflorescence in long raceme, and although fruits of G. lepidota are similarly spiny, they are of different shape.
This led me to Flora of China where perhaps I found answers to both my closely related plants from same place. This one identifies with Glycyrrhiza yunnanensis having flowers and consequently fruits in globose to ovoid cluster, fruits are spiny on surface, narrower and gradually narrowed to sharp tip.
This then Glycyrrhiza yunnanensis.
Being cultivated in a herbal garden I think we should not worry much how it came to Kashmir.


Updated on December 24, 2024

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