Minuartia kashmirica (Edgew. & Hook. f.) Mattf., Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 57(2, Beibl. 126): 32 32 1921. (Syn: Arenaria foliosa Majumdar; Arenaria kashmirica Edgew. (Unresolved); Minuartia lineata Bornm.; Minuartia lineata f. foliosa R.R. Stewart; Minuartia lineata f. kashimirica (Edgew. & Hook. f.) R.R. Stewart);



Can this plant be Minuartia kashmirica
Family: Caryophyllaceae
Date: 15th May 2011
Place: Paddar valley J&K.
Altitude: 2716 meters asl
Plant height: 20-40 cms
Habit/habitat: Wild herb

Thanks, …
I think matches with images at the following:

I think this fits OK. I first noticed this at Matayan in Ladakh (which is located just over the Zoji La, before one reaches Dras).  Stewart had this under the name Minuartia lineata (Hooker named it as Arenaria foliosa).  Stewart recognised both forma foliosavery common on cliffs in N.Pakistan, Kashmir (incl. Pahlgam, Sonamarg & Aphawat plus Dras @ 1800-4800m)  and forma kashmirica – with a similar distribution; glandular & glabrous branches (which seem to be the characteristic used to differentiate them) were found in the same tufts at Pahlgam; Stewart felt that the two were worth varietal rank.
There is also Minuartia biflora (which is recorded from Ladakh & considered by Stewart to be common in the alpine zone of Kashmir @ 3300-4900m) syn. Arenaria biflora, to consider. According to Stewart this species has only been found at much higher altitude than 2700m.  I don’t think the image fits this.
