Geranium sanguineum L., Sp. Pl. 683 1753. (Syn: Geranium grandiflorum Gilib. [Invalid]; Geranium lancastriense Mill.; Geranium prostratum Cav.; Geranium sanguineiforme Rouy & Foucaud);
A popularly cultivated large-flowered species with 5-7-lobed leaves and 1-flowered peduncles, flowers purple, 25-35 mm across.
Geranium sanguineum L.
One of the two commonly grown Geranium species grown in beds here in California (leaving aside so called Geranium, the Pelargonium spp.), a perennial species with leaves almost circular in outline, up to 7 cm across, divided into 5-7 lobes and single-flowered peduncles; flowers purple to magenta 3-6 cm across with slightly emarginate petals. Balsaminaceae, Geraniaceae and Oxalidaceae Week: Geraniaceae- Geranium sanguineum from California-GS-35 : 4 images. 5 posts by 5 authors.
Geranium sanguineum L.
A popularly cultivated large-flowered species with 5-7-lobed leaves and 1-flowered peduncles, flowers purple, 25-35 mm across.
Cultivated as bedding plant in California
This is native European species, growing in warm and sunny places, along forest borders and so on.
I like it very much and I see I am not only one fan of this species 🙂
Both the flowers and leaves are simply wonderful…thanks for sharing Sir. References: