Persicaria stagnina

Persicaria stagnina (Buch.-Ham. ex Meisn.) Qaiser, Fl. Pakistan 205: 44 44 2001. (Syn: Persicaria barbata subsp. stagnina (Buch.-Ham. ex Meisn.) Soják; Persicaria barbata var. stagnina (Buch.-Ham. ex Meisn.) Grierson; Polygonum barbatum var. stagninum (Buch.-Ham. ex Meisn.) Steward; Polygonum conspersum Meisn.; Polygonum stagninum Buch.-Ham. ex Meisn.);
Indian Subcontinent to Peninsula Malaysia: Assam, Bangladesh, East Himalaya, India, Malaya, Myanmar, Pakistan, Thailand, West Himalaya as per POWO;


Persicaria for id RV1 : 11 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (7).
Please id this Persicaria sp. from a river bed in Thane district.
Pictures taken on 29th December 2013 and today. (22.2.14)
Flowers white, slightly pink, stamens 5 – 7, leaves mostly green and a few with purple blotches, pubescent and slightly pale beneath, stems hairy, nuts black. the racemes are fairly short and slender. Whole plant about 2ft in height.

I think Persicaria barbata (L.) Hara

please check for P. hydropiper.

Thank you … for your replies.
I find these quite difficult to identify.
It seems to me that P. barbata var stagnina is a possibility: stems strigose hairy, leaves pubescent- hispid, peranth white or tinged with pink. It might not be var. barbata because the stems of my plant are not stout.
In Hooker there is a description of Polygonum stagninum where he mentions stamens are 5 to 7.

Thanks for your comments … I guess the leaves are strigosely hairy below in the posted plant (as seen in P 1200395.JPG). But, if we follow the key provided in Fl. Pakistan, cilia should be much shorter than the tube. Still I’ll go with your identification as the strigose character seems more reliable to me. Further, as per the updated nomenclature, the plant should be treated as a distinct species i.e Persicaria stagnina (Buch.-Ham. ex Miz.) Qaiser. But please check your plant/specimen one more time for the above mentioned characters.

I appreciate your detailed reply.
Here are 2 more pictures:  the underside of a leaf, and a close up of the stem.

Thanks for the clear photographs …! I appreciate your photography skills!! Further I would say the characters are pointing towards P. stagnina. Experts may add their view.

Thanks … for sharing this plant.
I would have not given a second thought for querying the ID, and would have taken for granted the plant as Persicaria glabra.
Thanks to … for the discussion, and getting nearer to the ID.

Thanks to you all for comments and especially to Ritesh ji for looking into this plant in such detail.
For now I’ll keep it as Persicaria stagnina.


Another Polygonaceae for id 150211MK2:
Kindly help to identify this Polygonaceae member. The location is on the perennial river [Moyar] at eastern most part of Nilgiris district in TN.
I also recorded this plant in Mudumalai wls at an altitude of c 800msl in a riverine patch.

Date/Time- 10-02-2011 / 1:00 PM
Location- Place, Altitude, GPriver in Nilgiris RF; TN. c 350 msl
Habitat- Garden/ Urban/ Wild/ Type- wild, riparian
Plant Habit-herb
Height/Length- c. 70 cm
Leaves Type/ Shape/ Size- c. 7 X 2 cm
Inflorescence Type/ Size- raceme; up to 6cm long
Flowers Size/ Colour/ Calyx/ Bracts- pink; c 0.3cm across

Can it be Persicaria hydropiper

Persicaria hydropiper

I’ll go with Persicaria posumbu.

I think this id as Persicaria posumbu (Buch.-Ham. ex D. Don) H. Gross may need to be considered again as I do not find and distribution in the area as per POWOCoLFoPIBSI Flora of India checklist

Pl. post high res. images to check the details.
It may be Persicaria stagnina (Buch.-Ham. ex Meisn.) Qaiser, as per images and details herein.

8 high res. images.

Yes, I think it is close to Persicaria stagnina (Buch.-Ham. ex Meisn.) Qaiser, as per images and details herein and as per POWO specimen- one and two and as per keys in Flora of Peninsular India.


Updated on December 24, 2024

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